Senator Phillips Joins Colleagues On Measure Making School Shootings Acts Of Domestic Terrorism

Elaine Phillips

March 1, 2018

Legislation Introduced to Allow Law Enforcement to Treat Threats Against Schools, Houses of Worship, Places of Business as Terrorist Threats

In the wake of the latest mass shooting, Senator Phillips has joined several of her colleagues in co-sponsoring legislation which makes mass shootings acts of terrorism.

“Like all Americans, I am shocked at the number of mass shootings taking place across our country.  As a mother of three daughters, I am outraged and saddened by the regular acts of senseless violence occurring in our schools and elsewhere,” said Senator Phillips.  “Intentional violence in any form against groups of individuals - be it at a concert, place of worship, shopping venue, or schools - are terrorist attacks and they must be treated in the same manner to provide our law enforcement the best tools possible to prevent such attacks.”

“Numerous tips were provided to several Florida law enforcement agencies prior to the recent Parkland shooting, and sadly they all fell through the cracks.  By enacting this legislation and designating mass shootings as terrorism - federal and state intelligence gathering resources of the New York State Intelligence Center would be better equipped to prevent these crimes through their expertise, data collection technology and better communication between state and federal agencies.”

The bill, S.7813, also codifies the New York State Intelligence Center, a federally authorized intelligence gathering partnership between the FBI, CIA, State Police, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services and local policing agencies, and adds a mandate for the Intelligence Center to prevent mass shootings.

The proposed legislation would reference mass shootings in the statute describing them as acts of domestic terrorism. The bill clarifies that a school, house of worship or business could be considered a "civilian population" when a terrorist discharges or attempts to affect the conduct of such areas by discharging a weapon with the intent to cause harm.

The measure is currently pending in the Senate Committee on Veterans, Homeland Security and Military Affairs.
