Statement From Senator Elaine Phillips

Elaine Phillips

March 5, 2018

After the tragic school shooting in Parkland, Florida we must do everything possible to prevent any further senseless acts of violence.

As a mother of three daughters, I believe it is essential that we act to protect our schools and end the threat of mass shootings in our communities.  This is a seminal moment in our nation’s history and we must come together to act.

These are five steps I believe need action: 

First, I believe that every gun purchase should be subject to a comprehensive background check.  Under no circumstances should anyone who is a potential danger to others, or themselves, be allowed to purchase a firearm.  There is no logical reason that we do not have a national universal background check requirement.

Second, military-style assault weapons, like those used in one mass shooting after another, have no place in our society.  They present a clear and present danger to the American people.  

Third, we must ban the sale and possession of bump stock devices.  As used in the mass shooting in Las Vegas last October, bump stocks enable semi-automatic weapons to mimic fully-automatic machine guns and fire many rounds at an extremely high rate of speed.  I cannot fathom a single reason why they are legal to own in New York State.

Fourth, we must establish a real and workable mechanism through which judges can prevent people who present an imminent threat to themselves or others from having any access to firearms.  Moreover, this process should ensure that these deeply troubled individuals receive the comprehensive mental health care they need.  This is simply common sense.

Fifth, I believe that Parkland, as well as other mass shootings, could have been prevented if law enforcement had the necessary tools to “connect the dots” as it has been used to investigate and thwart terrorist activities after September 11.  Today, I voted in favor of legislation classifying mass shootings as domestic terrorism so that law enforcement can use these tools and resources to prevent future tragedies.

By working together, we can achieve the real change we need to end gun violence in our society and protect our children.