Sanders Joins Senate Democrats to Fight For Honesty And Integrity In New York Politics

James Sanders Jr.

January 30, 2018

State Senator James Sanders Jr. (D-Rochdale Village, Far Rockaway) today joined members of the Democratic Conference for a press conference in Albany to announce a legislative package that aims to combat corruption and restore faith in government. 

Senator Sanders' bill (S.4111) will require corporations to have a majority of their shareholders authorize any political spending.

“Far too much money flows freely into our electoral process, much of which is due to unchecked, and often unaccountable, corporate giving. Under those conditions, I have authored a bill that may shine a light on this activity," Sanders said. "It would require corporate donations to be approved by shareholders. My Senate Democratic colleagues and I want to clean up state government and restore the voters’ confidence, and my legislation will help achieve that goal. This should not be a controversial or partisan issue, and I hope my legislation is passed immediately.”

Bills introduced by other Democratic legislators as part of the package are:

S.124 - Prohibit and Punish Undisclosed ‘Self-Dealing’
S.7149 - Close the LLC Loophole
S.1085 - Require the Disclosure of Bundlers 
S.4164 - Cap “Soft Money” Contributions 
S.3301 - Lower Campaign Contribution Limits

S.7129 - Require the Disclosure of Employer & Occupation for Large Donors
 - Establish a Public Financing System for State Campaigns