Senator Sanders Slams Trump’s Alleged Voter Suppression Tactics, Encourages All Americans to Vote

James Sanders Jr.

November 5, 2018


As we approach Election Day, a time when we as Americans exercise our right to vote and choose officials that will represent us at various levels of government, I think it is important to talk about President Trump and the allegations of immigrant voter suppression directed at him.

Under the current administration, it reportedly takes longer than ever for immigrants on the path to citizenship to receive a Green Card, going from about six months to over two years, according to the Associated Press. This may be one of Trump’s ways to silence non-supporters – preventing them from having the ability to vote until the 2018 and 2020 elections are over.

In addition, Trump recently re-ignited his anti-immigrant rhetoric with full vigor. He has been speaking about the so-called crisis at the border, touting the idea that immigrants are criminals and that America would be better off with fewer of them, and proposing the end of birthright citizenship. That may be yet another strategy for voter suppression - prevent people whose parents were from other countries, but who themselves were born in this country from being automatic citizens and you take away their right to vote.

Our country has a long and sad history of trying to keep certain groups silenced and powerless. Those of us who are American citizens must vote against those who support these shameful practices, to help those who can’t vote yet and to keep this country the richly diverse melting pot that it has long been.

I encourage all of you to vote on Election Day. Every voice matters. Make yours heard.

Yours in Service,
NYS Senator James Sanders Jr.