Senator Flanagan Secures Funding For Old Field Lighthouse

John J. Flanagan

October 22, 2018

Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan (2nd Senate District) announced that he has secured a $278,000 state grant for the Village of Old Field to help offset the cost of repairs to the historic Old Field Lighthouse.  The funding will be utilized by the Village to ensure the safety, accessibility and storm resiliency of the 1868 structure.

The Lighthouse helps mark the coastline and the entrance to Port Jefferson Harbor and is a key navigational point of reference to all maritime traffic.  According to, the original lighthouse at Old Field was completed in 1823 and was the first on the north shore of Long Island between Eaton’s Neck and Little Gull Island.  The lighthouse is about fifty feet tall with two feet thick walls.

It also is the current home of the Village of Old Field Village Hall, which serves as the center of operations for the local government and the surrounding community.  Additionally, thanks to an agreement with the Federal Government, the land that the lighthouse stands on is open to the public during the day, attracting many visitors during the year.

“The Old Field Lighthouse is a beautiful and historical landmark in our village.  Unfortunately, having been exposed to the elements for over 100 years, it is now in need of desperate repairs.  As a village, we simply do not have the necessary funds to embark on the needed restoration on our own.  Thank you to Senator Flanagan and his dedicated staff for helping the Village of Old Field to secure a grant from the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York so that the restoration work on this incredible piece of history can now begin,” said Mayor Michael Levine. 

“The Old Field Lighthouse is a landmark of major importance to our region as well as a continuing beacon of safety for Long Island boaters.  It is crucial that we protect these historic properties for future generations and I am happy to work with Mayor Levine and the rest of the Village of Old Field board to secure this funding to preserve this piece of Long Island history,” stated Senator Flanagan.

Repairs that will be undertaken in the restoration include masonry, woodwork, roofing, mechanical, electrical and ADA compliance.