Senator Griffo: Pistol permit holders seeking to recertify should be given extension, acknowledgement they are in compliance
January 12, 2018
Contact: Alex Gerould – (315) 793-9072,
Email: gerould@nysenate.gov
In a letter sent today to Gov. Andrew Cuomo, state Sen. Joseph Griffo, R-Rome, requested that the Governor grant an extension to pistol permit holders across the state who are attempting to recertify their licenses by the end of the month. Pistol license holders in the state who were issued permits prior to Jan. 15, 2013, have until Jan. 31, 2018 to recertify.
Out of the approximately 26,000 permit holders in Oneida County, roughly 5,000 have recertified so far. In Lewis County, out of the approximately 5,000 permit holders required to recertify, 1,866 have done so as of Jan. 10. And in St. Lawrence County, 6,650 permit holders out of approximately 17,000 have gone through the recertification process as of Jan. 10.
“There have been several media reports indicating that regions across the state are seeing a low compliance rate due to confusion about the recertification process and backlogs at county clerk offices across the state,” Sen. Griffo wrote in the letter. “I believe that, due to these delays and confusion, citizens seeking to recertify their pistol licenses should be given an extension to do so. Granting an extension will help county clerks effectively deal with the recertification process. This will help alleviate any confusion and concern that a person may have and will ensure that law-abiding gun owners don’t face the risk of being considered a criminal.”
After learning that those who complete the recertification process are not always given notice that they have been successful, Sen. Griffo also is requesting that anyone who completes the recertification process be given acknowledgement that they have done so.
The following is the full text of Senator Griffo’s letter:
Jan. 11, 2018
The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of New York State
NYS State Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224
Dear Gov. Cuomo
I believe that the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement (SAFE) Act, while intended to be a resource to confront gun violence throughout New York, is of questionable constitutionality and risks making criminals out of law-abiding gun owners throughout the state.
While I am aware that pistol license holders in New York State who were issued permits prior to Jan. 15, 2013, have until Jan. 31, 2018, to recertify their license, I feel it necessary to write to you regarding concerns I have with the recertification process. This is an especially pressing matter given the fact that there are roughly 1.5 million pistol permit holders in the state.
My district has approximately 26,000 permit holders who are required to recertify in Oneida County, approximately 5,000 permit holders that should recertify in Lewis County and approximately 17,000 permit holders in St. Lawrence County who are required to go through the recertification process.
There have been several media reports indicating that regions across the state are seeing a low compliance rate due to confusion about the recertification process and backlogs at county clerk offices across the state. I believe that, due to these delays and confusion, citizens seeking to recertify their pistol licenses should be given an extension to do so. Granting an extension will help county clerks effectively deal with the recertification process. This will help alleviate any confusion and concern that a person may have and will ensure that law-abiding gun owners don’t face the risk of being considered a criminal.
It also has been brought to my attention that when someone completes the recertification process, they may not be given notice that they have been successful. I believe that anyone who successfully completes the recertification process – be it online, through the mail or at their local clerk’s office – should be given an acknowledgement that they have done so.
While I disagree with the legality and practice of the SAFE Act, I understand that it is currently the law and that people should abide by it. However, I believe that those attempting to follow the law and recertify by the Jan. 31, 2018, deadline should not be penalized and face the possibility of having their license revoked due to a situation that is out of their control.
I thank you for your consideration on this matter and I look forward to your response and action.
Joseph Griffo
State Senator, 47th District