February 15, 2018
- Woman of Distinction

“I’m inviting all Sixth Senatorial District residents to nominate a special lady whose outstanding work on behalf of her community makes her deserving of special recognition by the New York State Senate,” said Senator Kemp Hannon (R-Nassau). “The Senate’s ‘Women of Distinction’ Program honors the remarkable efforts of local residents who contribute to making our communities better, our families stronger, and serve as examples to others.”
The Senate will honor a distinguished woman from the Sixth Senatorial District and throughout the state at a May 1st ceremony in the State’s capital, where each honoree’s photograph and biography will become part of a special exhibit proclaiming the contributions of these exemplary New York women. Senator Hannon’s nominee will join other distinguished ladies from across New York State with a special reception and ceremony in the Legislative Office Building in Albany on that date.
“There are many remarkable women in our midst whose lives, work or special accomplishments contribute to making our communities better, making our families stronger, and serve as examples to others,” said Hannon.
This program provides a special opportunity to honor extraordinary ladies for their achievements, and to thank them for the pride they bring to our communities. Previous winners in this annual event have included women from the world of business, academics and civic life, as well as those who have performed heroic or selfless acts, made significant discoveries, or provided examples of personal excellence against difficult odds.
“I welcome your nominations for my 2018 ‘Woman of Distinction,’ and encourage you to nominate your friends, coworkers and neighborhood leaders,” said Hannon.
Anyone wishing to nominate a Woman of Distinction should provide a short cover letter supporting their nomination, and a 250-word biography and high-resolution photograph to Hannon’s Community Office at 595 Stewart Avenue (Suite 540), Garden City, NY 11530 (or e-mail to hannon@nysenate.gov) or call 516-739-1700 if you have any questions.
The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2018.