Local Elected Leaders to Honor FDNY EMT Heroes

For Immediate Release: January 10, 2018
Contact: Andrew Taranto | taranto@nysenate.gov

What: Ceremony to honor FDNY EMTs Zache Cox and Frantzi Honore

Who: NYS Senator Leroy Comrie, NYS Assembly Member Alicia L. Hyndman, NYC Council Members Donovan Richards and I. Daneek Miller, representatives from the FDNY

When: January 13, 2018 at 12:00 PM

Where: EMS Station 54 222-15 Merrick Blvd, Springfield Gardens, NY 11413

Why: On Friday, November 24, 2017, FDNY EMTs Zache Cox and Frantzi Honore from Station 54 saved the lives of four residents while on scene for a sick call after their carbon monoxide (CO) meters alerted them to the presence of high concentrations of the deadly gas. Local elected officials will honor them with New York City & State proclamations as well as New York State Senate Liberty Medals for their quick thinking and bravery.