Senator Comrie, Assembly Member Rosenthal, and Council Member Koslowitz to Help Local Residents Lower Their Property Taxes
February 2, 2018
- Property Tax Relief

For Immediate Release: February 2, 2018
Contact: Andrew Taranto | taranto@nysenate.gov
What: Elected officials and the New York City Department of Finance will host a “Notice of Property Value Workshop”
Who: State Senator Leroy Comrie, Assembly Member Daniel Rosenthal, Council Member Karen Koslowtiz, and the New York City Department of Finance
When: Thursday, February 8, 2018 between 4 PM and 6 PM
Where: Kew Gardens Community Center 80-02 Kew Gardens Road #202, Kew Gardens, NY 11415
Why: All New York City homeowners received a Notice of Propert Value (NOPV) in the mail at some point between the middle and end of January 2018. This document lets homeowners know how the NYC Department of Finance plans to tax their property for the upcoming 2018-2019 tax year by detailing the “market” and “assessed” values of their property. New York City residents who own “Class 1” properties—one, two, or three family homes—have until March 15, 2018 to appeal the assessed value on their home or report any other factual errors on their NOPV.
Many local residents may be unaware that they can further reduce their homes’ assessed values and lower their property tax bill. Senator Comrie, Assembly Member Rosenthal, and Council Member Koslowitz have teamed up with the NYC Department of Finance to allow local residents an opportunity to receive one-on-one help to successfully navigate this process and save money in the upcoming tax year.
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