Senator Martin J. Golden
March 14, 2018
- cop killer

Albany – State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, 22nd District) and Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis (R-C-I-Ref, 64th District), today are denouncing the New York State Parole Board’s decision to release cop-killer Herman Bell, who was convicted in the 1971 murder of Police Officers Joseph Piagentini and Waverly Jones. This was the seventh time since 2004 that Bell had pleaded for parole.
“Sadly, the Governor’s appointed members of the New York State Parole Board have proven to be out of touch by giving the green light to release unrepentant cop killer Herman Bell from prison. The parole board has greatly failed the State of New York by ignoring the pleas of the distraught family, elected officials, law enforcement and concerned citizens. The parole board has blatantly disregarded the heinous actions perpetrated by this violent felon who took the lives of two innocent police officers,” said Senator Golden, a former NYPD Officer.
“By releasing Herman Bell, the Parole Board has dishonored the service and sacrifice of slain officers Joseph Piagentini and Waverly Jones. My thoughts and prayers are with both families who must now endure greater pain knowing this convicted killer is living as free man. Individuals such as Herman Bell should never benefit from the relaxed mindset of the parole board put in place by this Governor,” continued Golden.
Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis stated, “Our state’s justice system reached an all-time low with the decision by the New York State Parole Board to release cop killer Herman Bell who, along with two others, murdered two NYPD officers in 1971. Herman Bell’s heinous crime which was both premeditated and without provocation, would earn him life in prison without parole today. It is unconscionable that this murderer will be able to walk our streets again.”
“The lack of respect shown by members of the parole board, who are all appointed by the governor, in making this decision is absolutely outrageous and a total disgrace. My heart breaks for the families of Police Officers Joseph Piegentini and Waverly Jones. While their family members’ lives were cruelly taken from them while they served our city, they continue to be remembered and mourned for,” concluded Malliotakis.
Golden and Malliotakis were part of a coalition of legislators who earlier this year launched an on-line petition which gathered more than 4,000 signatures throughout New York State via the website www.noparoleforhermanbell.com. The efforts also had the unwavering supporting of New York City and State law enforcement unions.
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