Senator Gianaris Bill to Provide Proper Burial for Unclaimed Veterans Remains Passes Senate
June 14, 2018

ALBANY, N.Y. – Senator Michael Gianaris announced the State Senate passed his legislation (S.3477A) which gives New York’s veterans a dignified burial. The bill, which passed unanimously, would require affected counties and the city of New York to work with a veteran service organization to provide for the burial of a veteran whose remains were unclaimed.
“No one is more deserving of a respectful funeral and burial than the men and women of our armed forces,” said Senator Michael Gianaris. “For those who sacrificed so much for our country, it is important our communities work to deliver the appropriate honors for our veterans.”
Senator Gianaris’ legislation ensures unclaimed remains of veterans are afforded a dignified funeral and burial, even when veterans do not have a next-of-kin or the means to provide for their own burial costs. The local government would work with a local veterans service organization which would contract with a funeral home to provide these services.