Senator Helming: $100 Million Available for Clean Transportation Projects
Senator Pam Helming
July 24, 2018
GENEVA – Senator Pam Helming today announced that there is $100 million in transportation funding available to municipalities and non-profit corporations for projects that enhance community growth and revitalize downtowns. Projects include the construction of pedestrian and bicycle facilities, recreational trails, safe routes to schools, community improvements such as historic preservation, and projects that reduce congestion and gas emissions.
“Recently, I had the opportunity to participate in the ribbon cutting to open the Cayuga-Seneca Pathway Trail, which connects the Village of Waterloo with Seneca Lake State Park in the City of Geneva by way of a walking and biking path. Several local towns and organizations came together to support this project and work toward a common goal of establishing a safe, fun way for residents and visitors alike to travel along the Cayuga-Seneca Canal and seek recreational opportunities. This is just one example of how I envision this funding from the Federal Highway Administration and New York State Department of Transportation being used by our local municipalities and organizations – furthering outdoor recreation while enhancing safety for pedestrians and bicyclists. Projects like this are important in our efforts to improve our infrastructure to help encourage job growth and economic development. I encourage local officials and leaders to take advantage of this opportunity,” Senator Helming said.
The funding is made available through the Federal Highway Administration and administered by the New York State Department of Transportation. The funding will cover up to 80 percent of project-related costs, while the remaining 20 percent will be provided by project sponsors. The DOT will accept applications through Thursday, August 16. Proposals will be rated based on their public benefit, air quality improvement, and finance or delivery innovation, and selected projects will help municipalities meet the requirements of the Clean Air Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Projects must be related to the surface transportation system and provide full access to the public.
Eligible project activities include:
- The addition of accessible sidewalks;
- Construction of new bicycle and pedestrian facilities;
- Preservation and conversion of abandoned railroad corridors for trail use;
- Enhancement of traffic signals or intersections that improve traffic flow; and
- Establishment of travel demand programs that shift traffic demand to non-peak hours or other transportation modes
For more information, please visit https://www.dot.ny.gov/divisions/operating/opdm/local-programs-bureau/tap-cmaq.