Fox Center Seniors Get Happy Birthday Wishes From Senator Murphy
September 3, 2018

Mt. Kisco, NY - August was a particularly festive month at the Fox Senior Center with a whopping 72 seniors celebrating their birthdays. Senator Terrence Murphy recently dropped in to visit the seniors and wish them a happy birthday.
Senator Murphy said, "It's always a pleasure to come to the Fox Senior Center. Recreation Supervisor Liz Dieter and the staff have a full and exciting schedule of events that benefit the senior's physical, social, spiritual, emotional well-being. They know how to make birthdays a special occasion for everyone at the Center. Happy birthday to all the seniors celebrating this month. I'm looking forward to coming back and cutting the birthday cake in September."
"I think it's great that Senator Murphy would take the time to visit and speak with all of us," said Ann Lakin, who happily wore her birthday badge. "It shows he cares about seniors and the people he serves."
Birthday girl Agnes Palumbo added, "This is a wonderful celebration. The older you get, the more grateful you are to even have a birthday. I'm fortunate to have a loving family and great friends here at the Center who care about each other."
The Fox Senior Center is the home of the Mount Kisco Senior Recreation Group and the Mount Kisco Senior Nutrition Program. The Center provides a wide variety of intellectual and recreational opportunities, including wellness and exercise classes, workshops, health screenings, computer classes, cultural arts celebrations and intergenerational partnerships.