Senator Murphy, Byrne Turn Up Heat on NYSEG
February 13, 2018

Somers, NY - Residents across parts of Somers and Putnam County are looking for an explanation as to why their energy bills, in some cases, quadrupled between the months of December and January. Two Hudson Valley lawmakers are turning up the heat on New York State Electric & Gas (NYSEG) to get the answers customers deserve.
State Senator Terrence Murphy said, "Hudson Valley ratepayers are strapped with some of the highest energy costs in the nation. They deserve an explanation and some transparency about why their bills doubled, tripled or quadrupled in just one month. If this is an issue requiring State action we will surely take action."
In a letter to the President of NYSEG, the lawmakers charged ratepayers are not left between choosing to pay for needed goods and their growing energy bills. The letter asks for an explanation of the increased rates, if a payment plan is available and what communication plan does the company have in place to warn consumers of rising or spiking costs.
Assemblyman Kevin Byrne stated, "It's crazy that some of our neighbors recenty learned that their utility bills have skyrocketed by as much as 400%. For some people, it could mean the difference between affording food and expensive medications or heating their homes. I will continue to work with our partners in government for greater accountability and transparency."
Rosalie Meli Cicogna, a resident of Heritage Hills in Somers, was shocked when she received her enormous bill, especially because she has made her home energy-efficient. "This is an egregious breach of confidence between NYSEG and its customers," Cicogna said. "We're led to belive that being energy-conscious will be rewarded. I've gone to great lengths to make my home efficient, only to be punished with a sky-high bill. Thank goodness Senator Murphy and Assemblyman Byrne are once again stand up for us."
Read the full letter here.