$77 Million Project to Improve Drainage and Streets in New Dorp Beach
May 14, 2019

"The start of the New Dorp Beach sewer and infrastructure project is long-awaited welcome news for local residents,” said State Senator Andrew Lanza. “The stories of flooded roads have been shared time and again. With this $77 million investment into the New Dorp Beach community, the substandard infrastructure that led to pooling and flooding waters should soon be a past memory."
(Staten Island, NY – May 14, 2019) The NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), NYC Department of Transportation (DOT) and NYC Department of Design and Construction (DDC) announced today the start of a new infrastructure project that will bring better drainage, new infrastructure and wider and improved streets to more than 50 blocks in New Dorp Beach, Staten Island, that were severely affected by Superstorm Sandy. The $77 million project, which is being managed by DDC for DEP and DOT, is projected to be completed in summer 2022.
A new $77 million infrastructure project will add storm sewers and rebuild streets throughout New Dorp Beach
“This infrastructure investment will significantly improve the sewer system and water delivery services in a section of New Dorp Beach that was particularly hard hit by Superstorm Sandy,” said DEP Commissioner Vincent Sapienza. “Additionally, this project will greatly increase the neighborhood’s stormwater drainage capacity, making it more resilient to better manage future severe wet weather events. I want to thank our partners at DDC and DOT for working together with us to provide this community with some much-needed upgrades.”
“Superstorm Sandy devastated so much of New York City, but few were as hard hit as the people of New Dorp, Staten Island, which saw unprecedented flooding that wrecked homes and roads – and reduced mobility, accessibility, and quality of life for residents and commuters alike,” said DOT Commissioner Polly Trottenberg. “However, thanks to the tri-agency infrastructure project being announced today, New Dorp will receive major transportation improvements: wider streets, new curbs and bus pads, street lighting and signage. Thanks to the leadership of Mayor de Blasio, DOT will join with our sister agencies, DEP and DDC, to prioritize the needs of the New Dorp – and make smart improvements that will help minimize the effects of future storms.”
“This is a tremendous investment by the de Blasio Administration that will bring huge improvements to an area that was greatly affected by Superstorm Sandy,” said DDC Commissioner Lorraine Grillo. “DDC is completing over 20 infrastructure all across Staten Island and will continue to work with DEP and DOT to manage resources effectively to improve the lives of the borough’s residents.”
“During my time in the City Council in the days following Hurricane Sandy, we learned that the Bloomberg Administration decided to move two important infrastructure projects – Phase III of the South Beach sewer project and this New Dorp Beach sewer project – into the oblivion of Fiscal Years 2022-2025. The designs of these projects were well underway but the final design could not be completed until the projects were fully funded, which meant we were facing a potential decade of delays. The New Dorp Beach sewer project is vital for New Dorp Beach residents, so I fought for the Bloomberg Administration to rectify this error and allocate the funding for the projects immediately. These efforts paid off and then-Deputy Mayor Cas Holloway helped to get the $100 million in funding restored for both projects. I am grateful to see the New Dorp Beach sewer project underway to finally improve the drainage and streets for New Dorp Beach residents, some of whom are still fighting to recover from Hurricane Sandy,” said Borough President James Oddo.
"It took years of constant pressure from the Borough President and me to finally secure a commitment from the previous administration to accelerate work on this very important project. I am very pleased that the DEP and DDC are finally getting it started,” said City Council Minority Leader Steven Matteo. “It’s hard to overstate what a game changer this new water management infrastructure and additional resiliency projects on the East Shore will be for the residents of New Dorp Beach, for whom persistent and severe flooding and ponding has become an unfortunate part of life. “
"The start of the New Dorp Beach sewer and infrastructure project is long-awaited welcome news for local residents,” said State Senator Andrew Lanza. “The stories of flooded roads have been shared time and again. With this $77 million investment into the New Dorp Beach community, the substandard infrastructure that led to pooling and flooding waters should soon be a past memory."
“There has been severe flooding issues in New Dorp Beach going back to my days as a student at New Dorp High School,” said Assembly Member Nicole Malliotakis. “This is the type of investment in infrastructure that’s needed from the city. We have long advocated for new storm sewers and catch basins and it’s reassuring to know that they are on their way.”
During the project, Cedar Grove Avenue will be widened by an average of seven feet between New Dorp Lane and Ebbitts Street. The neighborhood will also receive new street lighting plus new street signage, pavement markings and eight new reinforced concrete bus pads. The project will also add 28 new fire hydrants and replace 47 existing ones.
To improve street drainage and reduce flooding the project will install 9,500 feet of new storm sewers in the neighborhood, ranging from 12 inches in diameter all the way up to 8 feet wide by 5 feet high, and replace another 200 feet of existing storm sewers. There will be 152 new catch basins added to capture stormwater and direct it to the new sewer system. More than 16,500 feet of existing sanitary sewers will be replaced, and another 1,000 feet will be added, as will 17,000 feet of older water mains.
Overall the project will reconstruct 3.8 miles of roadways curb-to-curb, with a new concrete base and 51,300 square yards of new asphalt. About 140,000 square feet of new sidewalks will be added, with another 35,000 square feet being replaced. Over 26,000 feet of new curbs will be installed and 8,000 feet of old curb will be replaced.
To manage the needs of residents and businesses during construction, DDC has a full-time Community Construction Liaison (CCL) assigned to the project. CCL Krupa Patel keeps the neighborhood apprised of construction progress, coordinates street closures and utility shutoffs and can arrange special requests such as deliveries to local homes and businesses. Ms. Patel works on-site and is directly accessible to the public at 718-987-8001 or by email at romahettccl@gmail.com.
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About the NYC Department of Design and Construction
The Department of Design and Construction is the City’s primary capital construction project manager. In supporting Mayor de Blasio’s long-term vision of growth, sustainability, resiliency, equity and healthy living, DDC provides communities with new or renovated public buildings such as such as firehouses, libraries, police precincts, and new or upgraded roads, sewers and water mains in all five boroughs. To manage this $12 billion portfolio, DDC partners with other City agencies, architects and consultants, whose experience bring efficient, innovative and environmentally-conscious design and construction strategies to City projects. For more information, please visit nyc.gov/ddc.
About the NYC Department of Environmental Protection
DEP manages New York City’s water supply, providing more than 1 billion gallons of high quality drinking water each day to more than 9.6 million residents, including 8.6 million in New York City. The water is delivered from a watershed that extends more than 125 miles from the city, comprising 19 reservoirs and three controlled lakes. Approximately 7,000 miles of water mains, tunnels and aqueducts bring water to homes and businesses throughout the five boroughs, and 7,500 miles of sewer lines and 96 pump stations take wastewater to 14 in-city treatment plants. DEP has nearly 6,000 employees, including almost 1,000 in the upstate watershed. In addition, DEP has a robust capital program, with a planned $20.1 billion in investments over the next 10 years that will create up to 3,000 construction-related jobs per year. For more information, visit nyc.gov/dep, like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter.