Hoylman Legislation to Combat Prison Hepatitis C Epidemic Signed into Law By Governor Cuomo
January 3, 2019

NEW YORK- Senator Brad Hoylman (D/WF-Manhattan) released the following statement in response to Governor Andrew Cuomo signing his S6322/A8340 into law. The legislation would require the New York Department of Corrections and Community Supervision to study the prevalence of hepatitis C among New York’s inmate population and make recommendations to address the crisis:
Senator Hoylman said: “More people die from hepatitis C than any other infectious disease, despite it being curable and preventable. The rate of infection is especially high in our state prisons, with over 94% of hepatitis C-infected prisoners being untreated. With this new legislation, we’ll double down our efforts to make hepatitis C a concern of the past, and work to ensure that all New Yorkers have access to the treatments they need to live healthier, empowered lives.”