With Passage of GENDA and Conversion Therapy Ban, Senate Makes Bold Statement that LGBTQ New Yorkers will be Protected by Democratic Senate
January 15, 2019

(S1047/A747) GENDA would add gender identity and expression into New York’s anti-discrimination laws
(S1046/A746) would ban dangerous and discredited ‘conversion therapy’ practice
Senator Hoylman's floor remarks can be viewed here:
ALBANY- Senator Brad Hoylman (D/WF-Manhattan), released the following statement in response to the passage of the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA) (S1047/A747) and legislation to ban so-called conversion therapy (S1046/A746) through the New York state legislature. Both bills, carried by Senator Hoylman, are the first LGBTQ-specific pieces of legislation to pass the State Senate since marriage equality in 2011.
Senator Brad Hoylman said: “It’s a new day in Albany. After eight years of the Senate blocking any LGBTQ-specific legislation, today we’re ushering through two landmark bills to protect the rights of transgender and gender non-conforming New Yorkers and prevent our kids from being subject to the barbaric practice of so-called ‘conversion therapy.’ As the Trump administration continues to roll back protections for LGBTQ Americans, today’s victory sends a strong message to LGBTQ people across the State of New York: your civil rights protections have the full force and effect of law..”
After years of Republican opposition, I am proud to be part of a Democratic Majority that works to safeguard the rights of all New Yorkers. Thank you to Senate Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins, Deputy Leader Gianaris, and my colleagues in the Democratic Majority for leading the charge to protect our LGBTQ community. I am also deeply grateful to my colleagues in the Assembly, Richard Gottfried and Deborah Glick for their persistence and determination over the years, as well as the previous sponsors of GENDA in the Senate, Senators Tom Duane and Daniel Squadron.
None of this would be possible without the scores of advocates, primarily from the LGBTQ community, who have been on the front lines organizing, meeting, and protesting for their rights. After years of inaction, your voices are heard.”
Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins said: “Passing GENDA and banning conversion therapy are essential ways to break down barriers to acceptance and protecting New Yorkers’s rights. While the Trump Administration continues to threaten protections for transgender citizens, New York State must step up and lead the fight to support our LGBTQ brothers and sisters. I commend Senator Hoylman for his leadership on these bills and this important issue and I am proud that the Senate Democratic Majority has passed this historic legislation.”
New York has been the only state in the Northeast without statutory protections for its transgender citizens. A 2016 National Transgender Discrimination Survey showed that 26% of transgender individuals lost a job due to bias, 50% were harassed on the job, 20% were evicted or denied housing, and 78% of transgender students were harassed or assaulted.
Nineteen states and Washington, D.C. have laws prohibiting discrimination based on gender identity, and over 225 municipalities across the country --- including the cities of Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Ithaca, New York, Rochester, and Syracuse, and the counties of Albany, Suffolk, Tompkins, and Westchester –-- have enacted local laws protecting transgender and gender non-conforming people from discrimination.
The Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA), which passed today, will expand New York’s anti-discrimination and hate crime laws to include the categories of gender identity and expression. It has not been brought to the Senate for a floor vote for 16 years following the passage of the Sexual Orientation Non-Discrimination Act (SONDA) in 2002. Despite impasse in the Senate, GENDA passed in the Assembly with bipartisan support 10 consecutive times.
A ban on so-called conversion therapy (S1046/A746), also passed today, prohibits mental health professionals from engaging in sexual orientation change efforts with patients under the age of 18. Conversion therapy is a widely debunked and harmful practice that has been discredited by every mental professional association and organization. In addition to being ineffective, evidence shows that the practice may cause intense emotional duress and physical harm to LGBTQ individuals, especially children. Conversion therapy is currently illegal in 14 states and the District of Columbia.
Assemblymember Richard Gottfried said: “Today is an historic day. The Assembly has passed the bill 11 times, but the Senate’s Republican Majority refused to let the bill have a floor vote. Today, the new Democratic Majority has joined us in protecting the rights of New Yorkers regardless of gender identity or expression. I look forward
to Governor Cuomo signing GENDA into law.”
Assemblymember Deborah Glick said: Assemblymember Deborah Glick said: “New York has not had any legislation signed into law in support of the LGBTQ community since marriage equality. The New York State Assembly has passed GENDA and a ban on conversion therapy year in and year out. This is a great day and a recognition of the importance of the LGBTQ community and the continued challenges we face. New York is solidifying its position as the leading progressive state.”
Longtime Transgender Advocate Melissa Sklarz, said: “I was in the room when GENDA was born, in Albany, in December 2002, with Joanne Prinzivalli and Charles King. But the real beginning goes back to 1998, when Sylvia Rivera called a trans community meeting to address gay and lesbian civil rights language that excluded gender identity and expression. The trans community of New York owes a debt to hundreds of people, hundreds of meetings, hundreds of community groups, and 25 different strategies, to arrive at this special moment. I personally wish to thank Senators Tom Duane, Dan Squadron, Brad Hoylman, David Paterson, and Assemblymember Dick Gottfried for fighting this political battle in Albany for the last 20 years.”
David Kilmnick, PhD, MSW, President/CEO, LGBT Network said: “It’s a new day in Albany and thanks to Senator Brad Hoylman’s courage and persistence along with the NYS Assembly, we are seeing real change on day one under the great stewardship of Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins for New York’s LGBT community. The passing of both GENDA and ban on conversion therapy are long overdue and groundbreaking moments for the LGBT community. New York State’s transgender community that has for too long faced discrimination and inequality based solely on gender identity and expression will now finally be protected and treated with dignity under the law. Banning the harmful ‘practice’ of conversion therapy will save lives. New York has sent an important message to the rest of the nation today that no matter who sits in the White House, progress and the fight for equality and justice will move forward. Today, we should all be proud to be New Yorker’s and our state’s motto could not ring truer; Excelsior and Ever Upward”.
Juli-Grey Owens of Gender Equality New York said: “As hate crimes continue to escalate against our community and the Trump Administration does its best to literally erase our existence in federal guidelines and legislation, it is important to recognize the New York State Senate’s support of the Transgender and Non-Binary community. The need for explicit and permanent protections from discrimination cannot be overstated. Passing the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act not only protects gender-expansive New Yorkers, but sends a strong message that our state supports the free expression of gender identity and the right to be our authentic selves.”
HRC National Press Secretary Sarah McBride said: “With today’s vote, it is now clear that the Empire State will soon take its rightful place among the growing number of states that explicitly protect transgender residents and visitors from discrimination," No person should face discrimination because of their gender identity and no young person should be subjected to the abusive practice known as 'conversion therapy.' The advancement of both GENDA and protections for LGBTQ youth against 'conversion therapy' on the same day sends a powerful message to LGBTQ young people across New York that they are seen, loved and will soon be protected -- we thank transgender advocates from across the state for their years of work, Senator Hoylman and Assemblymembers Gottfried and Glick for their ongoing leadership on these critical issues, and Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart Cousins, a longtime and strong supporter of equality.”
Sean Coleman of Destination Tomorrow said: “Today, on what would have been Dr. Martin Luther King JR’s 90 Birthday we celebrate the passing of GENDA! It is not lost on me that we will forever share this day with perhaps the greatest humanitarian the world has known. While the road to this great accomplishment was long, it has built a movement of TRANS thought leaders that understand this is just the begin. We will not be satisfied until all TGNC folks can live without fear of violence, losing employment or not finding suitable housing no matter where they live. Today we celebrate, tomorrow we pick up our armor and prepare to fight again.”
Kristin Brown, Vice President for Policy and Government Relations for Empire Justice Center said: “Empire Justice Center is incredibly proud to stand in solidarity with transgender and gender non-conforming advocates and community members in the movement to pass GENDA. We want to express our appreciation for bill sponsors, Assemblymember Dick Gottfried and Senator Brad Hoylman as well as Speaker Carl Heastie and Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins for ensuring that this essential piece of legislation passed their houses within the first days of the 2019 legislative session. We look forward to seeing the Bill signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo and to using the new law to ensure that the rights of transgender and gender-nonconforming New Yorkers are upheld all across our great state.”