Senator Carlucci & Advocates Support Passage of Stronger Gun Laws
Senator David Carlucci
January 27, 2019
- Gun Violence Prevention

New City, NY – Senator David Carlucci (D-Rockland/Westchester) joined advocates for preventing gun violence for a press conference in New City on Sunday.
Members of Rockland County’s chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and Senator Carlucci discussed the importance of stronger gun laws in New York State and curbing a gun violence epidemic across the country. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 39,773 people were killed by guns in 2017, the highest number of gun related deaths since 1968.
“The New York State Senate expects to take up a crucial package of comprehensive gun reform bills on Tuesday, which will make our schools and communities safer. These common-sense reforms include, the Red Flag bill, an extended waiting period, and a ban on the sale and possession of bump stocks,” said Senator David Carlucci. “We know more still can and must be done across the nation so another parent or family is not torn apart by senseless and preventable gun violence.”
“Our members have been working very hard across the state to make sure our communities are safer. The bills Senator Carlucci spoke about will do just that. Extending the time for background checks will ensure they are more accurate and complete and keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have them. A ban on bump stocks will prevent people from turning guns into machines that can rapidly fire. We thank Senator Carlucci for his support and for co-sponsoring these bills,” said Robin Brill, the Co-Legislative Lead for the Rockland County group of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America.
The New York State Senate is expected to take up the following gun reforms on Tuesday, which are anticipated to pass:
Extreme Risk Protection Orders (S.2451) - will allow courts to issue an order that would seize or prohibit the sale of guns to individuals who are likely to act in ways that would result in serious harm to themselves or others.
Effective Background Check Act (S.2374) - will establish a 10-day waiting period before New Yorkers can purchase a firearm, which will give authorities more time to conduct effective background checks.
Bump Stock Ban (S.2448) – will make it a Class D Felony to possess a bump stock. Bump stocks were utilized in the Las Vegas shooting, which increased the rate of fire and contributed to the high number of casualties.
Gun Buy Backs (S.2449) – will direct state police to create rules and regulations for local gun buyback programs across New York State.
Safe Storage (S.2450) – will require the safe storage of firearms or a gun owner could face felony criminal charges. Also requires a gun seller to instruct the customer of safe storage or the seller could face a misdemeanor.
Out of State Mental Health Records (S.2438) – will allow New York authorities to investigate and review out-of-state mental-illness records when someone applies for a gun license.
Preventing School Districts from Allowing Teachers to be Armed (S.101A) – no educational institution can authorize a person who is not primarily employed as a school resource officer, law enforcement officer, or security guard to carry a gun on school grounds.