Senator Carlucci Stands Up For Survivors and Announces Passage of Child Victims Act

Senator David Carlucci

January 28, 2019

Albany, NY - Senator David Carlucci, together with the Senate Majority, passed the Child Victims Act (S.2440) on Monday and reformed New York State’s outdated statute of limitations for survivors of child sexual abuse.

"Finally, in New York we are empowering the survivor and correcting a grave injustice,” said Senator David Carlucci. “The Child Victims Act will allow survivors who were sexually abused as children to seek the justice they so rightfully deserve and no longer stay silent."   

The Child Victims Act raises the criminal statute of limitations for several child sexual abuse crimes to age 28. It also raises the civil statute of limitations for physical, psychological or other injury caused by child sexual abuse to age 55. The legislation lastly creates a one-year window, for survivors of child sexual abuse to initiate lawsuits against their abusers.

This one-year window starts six months from the effective date of the bill.

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