Senator David Carlucci and the Senate Majority Pass Bill to Protect Farmers

Senator David Carlucci

June 27, 2019

(Albany, NY) Senator David Carlucci (D-Rockland/Westchester) and the Senate Majority passed the Farm Laborers Fair Labor Practices Act to grant collective bargaining rights, workers’ compensation, and unemployment benefits to farm laborers. This legislation (S.6578) will address the standards of working conditions and include a measure to require overtime pay.

The Fair Labor Practices Act also provides unemployment insurance, 24 consecutive hours of rest each week, and a sanitary code for all farm and food processing labor camps intended to house farm laborers.

“The agriculture industry represents a crucial part of New York’s economy,” said Senator David Carlucci. “Proud to join my colleagues in the Senate Majority to pass this important legislation that was created to work alongside the agriculture industry, while supporting the well-deserved rights of farm laborers.”

The Farm Laborers Fair Labor Practices Act is a significant victory for farm laborers who have been historically excluded from basic labor protections under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

Chair of the Labor Committee and bill sponsor, Senator Jessica Ramos, held three hearings in Central New York, Long Island, and the Hudson Valley. She also visited 14 farms across seven counties in New York State to ensure that this legislation reflects the needs of both the farm laborers and farm owners in the agriculture industry. The hearings gave a chance for concerned citizens, laborers, and farm owners alike to provide testimony on how the legislation would work best for their industry.

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