Statement From Senator David Carlucci on Act of Domestic Terrorism in Monsey

David Carlucci

December 29, 2019

"The horrific act of mass violence at a rabbi's home in Monsey, during Hanukkah, has shaken the very foundation of our community. We are all deeply disturbed by the the perpetrator's callus actions and disregard for human life.

Words matter, and we must call this hateful act on our Jewish community domestic terrorism. We must all unite and be forceful in denouncing hate and anti-Semitism any time we see it. Hate sadly continues to plague our society and pull at the moral fabric of who we are as Americans. It is more important than ever, that no stone go unturned when it comes to solutions to ending hateful rhetoric and anti-Semitic attacks. No one is born hating others, it is a learned behavior, and it needs to be addressed.

The State Police hate crimes task force is investigating this act of domestic terror. I thank our EMS first responders and members of law enforcement who responded to the scene and who are patrolling our synagogues today. No one should have to worship in fear in this country, and I encourage residents to go about their daily lives.

I thank the members of the Jewish community who have been comforting residents in this time of grief. We pray for the victims and their families."

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