Senator Comrie and Senate Majority Pass the José Peralta DREAM Act

Leroy Comrie

January 24, 2019

Albany, NY — Senator Leroy Comrie and the Senate Majority Conference passed the José  Peralta New York State DREAM Act (S.1250).  The DREAM Act will allow undocumented children, who are already students in New York State to access state aid for higher education. New York State is now the fifth state to pass the DREAM Act, making college affordable for undocumented students. 

“Access to higher education is a critical means for economic mobility in New York State, so I cannot understand why we should continue to lock out tens of thousands of children and young adults from the financial resources that they need because of decisions that were made outside of their control,” said Senator Comrie. “Passing the Jose Peralta DREAM Act is not just the right thing to do for our immigrant neighbors; it’s the right kind of investment for the future of our state.”

The passage of this legislation will remove the barriers that prevent undocumented students from college saving programs by creating the Dream Fund for college scholarship opportunities. This is a step to make the American Dream possible for aspiring young dreamers. We must uplift and assist, removing obstacles and working together to truly create positive change.