Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester Honors Senator Helming at Annual Gala

Pamela Helming

October 3, 2019

Senator Pam Helming was presented with the “Advocate’s Spirit Award” at this year’s Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester’s ARTrageous Affair Annual Breast Cancer Gala on Saturday, September 28. Each year, the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester recognizes the efforts and accomplishments of the individual whose work best exemplifies the spirit of the advocate. 

“It was an honor to be recognized as this year’s Spirit Advocate at the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester’s annual gala. The Coalition is an amazing organization that provides critical services and programs to those facing a diagnosis of breast or gynecologic cancer and to their families. The staff at the Coalition truly care and help make our community a better place during some of the most difficult moments. I am honored to have received this award and I look forward to continuing my work with the Breast Cancer Coalition,” said Senator Helming.