A Statement from Senator Pam Helming and Assemblyman Brian Manktelow On the Appointment of New International Joint Commission Commissioners
Senator Pam Helming
May 17, 2019
“The appointment of new IJC commissioners is an important step forward in our efforts to protect local homeowners and businesses. Together, we have advocated for the appointment of Jane Corwin as the next U.S. chairwoman as well as the addition of Robert Sisson and Lance Yohe to the commission. These efforts have paid off, and the voices of those we represent have been heard. President Trump, Congressman Katko, and Congressman Collins are to be commended for leading the charge to get them appointed by the U.S. Senate. The adoption of Plan 2014 has caused untold devastation along the southern shoreline of Lake Ontario, and we look forward to having a board that will take the concerns of local residents seriously.”