Votes in the NYS Senate for June 19 & 20, 2019
Jim Ranney
June 20, 2019
- NYS Senate

The bills listed below were voted on in the New York State Senate. The legislation is listed by bill number and includes a short description, followed by Senator Gallivan's vote.
S3292A Establishes a registry of workplace fatalities to record information pertaining to all incidents under which an employee suffers a fatal injury; requires the filing of 72-hour and 90-day reports pertaining to such workplace fatalities and requires the department of labor to publish such reports on the department's website.
S2827 The bill amends the alcoholic beverage control law (ABCL) by adding two new sections 59-B and 59-c which conform to and contain the same conditions and restrictions as the existing provisions for direct wine shipment in ABCL § 79-c and -d. These new sections allow for both intrastate shipment and interstate shipment to New York by cideries located in states that afford the same treatment to New York cideries.
S1411A Establishes civil penalties for summoning a police officeror peace officer when there is no reason to believe a crime or offense, or imminent threat to person or property, is occurring.
S3118A This bill requires the Department of Health to establish a program for the synchronization of medications for patients with chronic diseases whose health care is provided under Medicaid fee-for-service or Medicaid managed care. Such program would be voluntary and must be in the best interest of the patient for the management or treatment of a chronic illness (such as heart disease, arthritis, COPD, asthma, depression, diabetes, etc.). Medications precluded from the synchronization of multiple medications program are schedule II controlled substances or schedule III controlled substances that contain hydrocodone.
S2849A Prohibits a health care plan from making prescription drug formulary changes during a contract year.
NAY (Not applicable to all plans. Appropriate solution would be to apply to all.)
S1607 Requires the office of information technology services to study and evaluate the future implementation and possible impact of 5G technology in the state.
S2575A Requires a law enforcement officer or peace officer who discharges his or her weapon under circumstances where a person could be struck by a bullet to immediately report the incident to his or her superiors.
NAY (Not necessary. Reports are already made.)
S3443 This bill would amend section 102 of the real property tax law to expand the definition of "real property" for local taxing purposes to include spent nuclear fuel that is pending further or final disposal, including fuel stored in a spent fuel pool or in a dry cask storage system, from a nuclear power station following the permanent cessation of power operations of such station.
NAY (This bill seeks to address one aspect of the Indian Point closure by making its stored, spent fuel taxable as real property for local governments. No value for the spent fuel. Cost to remove spent fuel is prohibitive.)
S4888 This bill would amend the Economic Development Law to require that when state agencies enter a contract, the agency shall submit an announcement of the intended contract to the procurement opportunities newsletter. The bill also requires the Commissioner of Economic Development to publish the announcement in the procurement opportunities newsletter.
S5160 The bill would amend Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law by adding a new section to allow a defendant to make an objection or defense based on the plaintiffs lack of standing in a home loan foreclosure proceeding at any time, instead of only in the responsive pleading or pre-answer motion as is current law.
NAY (Not necessary. Unbalanced.)
S5446 STATE COMPTROLLER DEPARTMENTAL - To provide additional information to the Comptroller's Office for thepurpose of conducting a duly authorized performance audit. This bill would provide for reports and related information on unsubstantiated cases under Article 11 of the Social Services Law to be made available to officers and employees of the Office of the New York State Comptroller.
S5246A This proposed legislation would amend General Municipal Law (GML) Section 207-kk to allow retirees of the New York City Fire Pension Fund (FIRE) who become disabled from an enumerated cancer within five years of retirement use of the Cancer Bill presumptions.
S3582 Relates to requiring a consumer credit reporting agency to offer identity theft prevention and mitigation services in the case of a breach of the security of such agency's system.
S3845 Authorizes Brad Steve to receive certain service credit under section 384-d of the retirement and social security law.
S5205A Provides procedures to be followed in appointing a hearing officer for removal and disciplinary action against certain public employees, including the use of a member of the American Arbitration Association as the hearing officer and the fees to be paid therefor; provides for suspension, with pay, pending the determination except where the employee has entered a guilty plea to a felony crime involving criminal sale or possession of a controlled substance.
NAY (Procedures already in place. Will increase costs.)
S2613A Authorizes the taxation of state land in the county of Dutchess.
NAY (Should apply statewide.)
S5865A Authorizes the town of New Hartford, county of Oneida to alienate and convey certain parcels of land used as parkland.
S5895 This bill would amend section 218 of the general municipal law, to increase the number of years of service that a participant in a defined contribution plan or defined benefit plan service award program may receive a contribution from the current forty years to fifty years.
S6172 DIVISION OF HUMAN RIGHTS DEPARTMENTAL - The purpose of the bill is to amend the Executive Law §§ 296.2-a(d)(2) and 296.18(2) (hereafter "Human Right Law") to clarify that reasonable accommodation to enable a person with a disability to use and enjoy a dwelling includes the use of an animal to alleviate the symptoms or effects of a disability.
S4281A Provides for the termination of a residential lease by a victim of domestic violence; further provides for the lease termination procedure; allows the tenants to pay rent, pro-rata, up to the lease termination date; imposes a civil penalty; makes related provisions.
S4504A This bill would increase the homestead exemption amount from civil judgments in certain counties (NYC, Nassau, Suffolk, Rockland, Westchester and Putnam) in this state from $150,000 to $250,000.
NAY (Does not apply to all counties.)
S5616A Authorizes the city of Albany to alienate certain lands used as parkland and to dedicate certain other lands as parklands, in relation to revising the metes and bounds of the parkland property to be alienated.
S2458A Authorizes the town of Hancock, county of Delaware, to alienate and convey certain parcels of land used as parklands.
S5974A This bill would amend section 6-128 of the election law to prohibit a party from changing its name after it has qualified to become a party at a general election.
NAY (If a party changes its name and/or emblem, and a voter no longer wants to be enrolled in that party, they can simply change their enrollment to another party)
S6320A Requires a conspicuous memorandum regarding the disruption of vital services for residents of the New York city housing authority detailing a process and timeframe such residents can report such disruption for inspection.
S4223 Authorizes the county of Westchester to establish by local law an administrative adjudication hearing procedure for all code and ordinance violations relating to conditions which constitute a threat or danger to the public health, safety or welfare.
NAY (Generally Code enforcement is the purview of a town, village or city government and not a county function.)
S6257A Authorizes the comptroller of the town of Mount Pleasant to refund fees, fines, penalties and interest to certain real property taxpayers.
S4189A Requires the department of transportation to maintain a website or webpage where users may report defects on state highways and bridges.
S5157A Provides that no covenant, restriction, or condition contained in any deed, contract, security instrument, or other instrument affecting the transfer or sale of any interest in a condominium and any by-laws that prohibits or unreasonably restricts the installation or use of an electric vehicle charging station is void.
S6457A This act shall be known and may be cited as the "New York Automatic Voter Registration Act of 2019." Said act implements a system of automatic voter registration, ("AVR") within designated agency applications.
NAY (Undermines signature requirement and constitution. Administrative issues.)
S6524 The chapter amendment clarifies that the training requirements to become a fire chief of certain combinations departments (mix of volunteers and professional firefighters) in New York State shall apply to both volunteer and professional firefighters.
S6544A This bill amends S3171A which subjected hospital charges for emergency services to the independent dispute resolution ("IDR") process established to protect against excessive emergency charges. This chapter amendment provides a number of changes regarding the payment process for when out of network emergency room hospital charges are submitted to the IDR process and how payment is made.
S6557 Provides that certain misdemeanors involving the revocation and suspension of hunting, trapping or fishing licenses shall be punishable by imprisonment for not more than ninety days, or by a fine of not less than five hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, or by both such imprisonment and fine.
S6560 OTDA DEPARTMENTAL - Modifies the criteria for the establishment and modification of child support orders and increases the annual service fee for child support services.
S6573 PROGRAM BILL - Provides that it shall not be an affirmative defense for murder that the defendant's conduct resulted substantially from the discovery, knowledge or disclosure of the victim's sexual orientation, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression or sex assigned at birth.
S6574 PROGRAM BILL - This bill would amend the Criminal Procedure Law (CPL) and the Civil Practice Law and Rules (CPLR) to increase the time periods in which a prosecution for rape in the second or third degree, criminal sexual act in the second and third degree or incest in the first and second degree may be commenced and increase the time in which a civil suit may be brought.
S6575 PROGRAM BILL - This bill would extend the effectiveness of provisions of law relating to participation by minority and women-owned business enterprises (MWBE) in state contracts and would expand upon those provisions based upon the findings of the 2016 Disparity Study.
NAY (Does not address all problematic areas of the program. Does not adopt any task force recommendations. Does not work for upstate.)
S6576 This bill amends certain provisions of S.2328 to clarify the electronic information required to be available to employees in lieu of paper pay stubs.
S6577 Provides increased protections for protected classes and special protections for employees who have been sexually harassed; prohibits nondisclosure agreements related to discrimination; prohibits mandatory arbitration clauses related to discrimination; requires employers to provide employees notice of their sexual harassment prevention training program in writing in English and in employees' primary languages; extends the statute of limitations for claims resulting from unlawful or discriminatory practices constituting sexual harassment to three years; requires review and update of the model sexual harassment prevention guidance document and sexual harassment prevention policy; and directs the commissioner of labor to conduct a study on strengthening sexual harassment prevention laws.
S6578 PROGRAM BILL - Enacts the farm laborers fair labor practices act: grants collective bargaining rights to farm laborers; requires employers of farm laborers to allow at least 24 consecutive hours of rest each week; provides for an 8 hour work day for farm laborers; requires overtime rate at one and one-half times normal rate; makes provisions of unemployment insurance law applicable to farm laborers; provides sanitary code shall apply to all farm and food processing labor camps intended to house migrant workers, regardless of the number of occupants; provides for eligibility of farm laborers for workers' compensation benefits; requires employers of farm laborers to provide such farm laborers with claim forms for workers' compensation claims under certain conditions; requires reporting of injuries to employers of farm laborers. Governor's Program
NAY (Unworkable. Unreasonable. Not wanted by Farmers of Farmworkers. Will increase costs by 17 percent. Establishes a wage board. Will put Farms out of business. Bad for upstate economy)
S5294A Relates to bicycles with electronic assist and electric scooters; defines terms; provides that every person riding an electric scooter upon a roadway shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle; makes related provisions.
S6293A Authorizes in the city of New York, for certain public work undertaken pursuant to project labor agreements, use of the alternative delivery method known as design-build contracts.
S6372A Establishes the "Gateway Development Commission Act" which enables such commission to facilitate a passenger rail project between Penn Station, Newark, New Jersey and Penn Station, New York, New York.
S6532A This bill would amend section 5-304 of the election law to provide that if a previously registered voter files a change of enrollment or a new enrollment by the 14th of February, that such change of enrollment or new enrollment shall take effect immediately.
NAY (Electioneering.)
S934 Authorizes state reimbursement to the Jasper-Troupsburg central school district for the purchase of school buses.
S1681 Establishes a tax exemption for improvements to the property of severely injured members of the armed forces of the United States; authorizes localities to adopt a local law or resolution granting an exemption from taxation and special ad valorem levies for real property altered or improved for the purposes of removing architectural barriers that challenge the mobility of a severely injured member of the armed forces of the United States.
S2000A The bill adds a new section to the environmental conservation law that prohibits the sale, offer for sale, distribution for sale, or distribution for use of food packaging in which PFAS substances arepresent.
S2313 This bill includes distribution from a thrift savings plan (TSPs) established prior to January 1, 1984 in the definition of income in relation to the enhanced STAR exemption. Additionally, the bill provides a similar amendment to the definition of affiliated income in Tax Law.
S2385 Creates a permanent environmental justice advisory group; provides that the function of the group is to ensure that no group of people, including a racial, ethnic, or socioeconomic group, bears a disproportionate share of the negative environmental consequences resulting from industrial, municipal, and commercial operations or the execution of federal, state, local, and tribal programs and policies; empowers that advisory group to adopt a model environmental justice policy applicable to state agencies, and to monitor agencies on compliance with such policies; specifies responsibilities of state agencies; establishes an environmental justice interagency coordinating council.
S3146 Allows a board of election to design an alternative poll site staffing plan to conduct an election.
S3168B This bill would increase, by approximately 3% for cost of living, the special accidental death benefit for the survivors of police officers, firefighters, and certain other employees who are killed in the line of duty.
S3329 Requires department of transportation to defer to the town board of the town of Riverhead, requests for speed limit changes on town highways.
S3439A Directs the metropolitan transportation authority to rename President Street subway station the President Street - Medgar Evers College station and rename the Franklin Avenue subway station the Franklin Avenue - Medgar Evers College station.
S3457 This bill would amend the criminal procedure law section (420.35) to amend the provisions that allow a court to waive a mandatory surcharge, additional surcharge, town of village surcharge, DNA databank fee, sex offender registration fee an/or the sex offender victim fee, and the crime victims fee. It would also amend section 420.30 of the criminal procedure law to allow a court to waive certain surcharges and fees for those under 21 years of age.
NAY (Accountability.)
S3801 This bill would grant more equitable disability pensions to airport firefighters and training and safety officers in New York State division of military and naval affairs who sustain a disability related to heart disease, lung disease and certain forms of cancer.
S3860 Relates to allowing the Yeshiva of Staten Island to provide driver education courses in alternate locations including at the Arthur Kill Road Jewish Community Center of Staten Island and the Manor Road Jewish Community Center of Staten Island, located in the county of Richmond.
S3909A Directs the municipal police training council in consultation with the Division of Human Rights and the Hate Crimes task force to develop, maintain and disseminate policies and procedures regarding the recognition of and response to hate crimes. Additionally, the council shall recommend to the Governor and the legislature rules and regulations with respect to establishing training and retraining of police officers.
S4285A Provides the community guardian program shall obtain annually a statement prepared by a physician, psychologist, nurse clinician, social worker, or other person, evaluating the condition and current functional level of the person for whom the community guardian program serves as guardian; the appointing court should be informed of the results of the evaluation.
S4440 Directs the director of the office of homeland security and emergency services to conduct a review and analysis of the security measures taken at the transportation facilities of the metropolitan transportation authority and its subsidiaries; requires such director to issue confidential reports of his or her findings and recommendations.
S4804B The purpose of this bill is to establish a two year pilot program for Genesee County to sell municipal bonds via an open auction format instead of by a closed bid format.
S4865A Amends the Real Property Actions and ProceedingsLaw by adding a new section 993 entitled the Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act.
S5348A Limits the grounds for the suspension of a driver's license; provides for additional notification when a person is required to make an appearance; requires income based payment plans to be available for fines, fees and mandatory surcharges incurred as a result of a violation of the vehicle and traffic law and makes conforming changes.
NAY (Removes incentive to follow the law.)
S5552 Relates to the creation of a self-sufficiency standard study regarding how much income is needed for a family of a given composition in a given geographic location to adequately meet its basic needs without public or private assistance.
NAY (No funding.)
S5612A This act will reclassify class C waterways as streams for the purpose of protection. Class "C" waterways, which are regularly used by people for boating,fishing, and other activities, are not currently afforded the protection that is provided to waterways classified as streams.
NAY (Overly burdensome.)
S5714 Authorizes the Schuyler correctional facility to also be used for the detention of persons under arrest and being held for arraignment in any court located in the county of Schuyler.
S5810 This bill provides that applicant for or recipients of public assistance who are exempt from work activities shall be eligible to receive home visiting services. If not exempt from work activities the home visit shall count toward the work requirement.
NAY (Unfunded mandate.)
S5886A Establishes an electronic open auction public bond sale pilot program to conduct open auction public bond sales through nationally recognized securities bidding services.
S5903A Relates to allowing certain members of the New York city police pension fund to receive a membership date in such pension fund attributable to service in the titles of police cadet program or police cadet program II.
S6030 Directs the department of state to conduct a study on the use of legal material in an electronic format that guarantees the authenticity of and access to such legal materials.
S6081 Provides, in tort cases where one defendant has settled, that remaining defendants must elect, prior to trial, whether to reduce liability by the amount of the settlement or by the amount of the equitable share of damages delegated to the settler in the verdict.
NAY (Increased insurance costs.)
S6113A This bill establishes that any public authority that operates a toll highway, bridge and/or tunnel facility authorized to promulgate toll collection regulations and to impose monetary liability for failure to comply with such regulations is authorized and empowered to operate a demonstration program for utilization of cashless tolling facilities, cashless tolling monitoring systems, and a tolls by mail program and to impose monetary liability on the owner of a vehicle for failure to comply with the toll collection regulations of such public authority so long as each public authority complies with the provisions of this bill.
S6139 The bill would amend Racing, Pari-Mutuel Wagering and Breeding Law (PML) to allow for the distinguishing of key and non-key casino employees, and the requirements of each for occupational licensing for employment of gaming activities.
S6253 Authorizes Church of God and Saints of Christ to file an application for certain real property tax exemptions in the City of Albany.
S6255 Authorizes the town of Brookhaven to extend the boundaries of the Rocky Point fire district to include the village of Shoreham.
S6281A This bill creates a defense and indemnification the Hudson River Park Trust for any and all bodily injury or property damage claims alleged to occur on or relate to the adjacent Route 9A bikeway/Greenway located between the northern seawall of Battery park city and the northern boundary of 59th street, which is real property owned by the state and not part of the park.
S6289A Exempts beer tastings from retail sales and compensating use taxes when the beer tasting meets certain limitations on the amount of beer provided or sold to a person in a calendar day.
NAY (Limits tax incentive. Could result in higher taxes.)
S6331 NYSERDA DEPARTMENTAL - This bill would amend section 1896 of Public Authorities Law (PAL),section 66-m of Public Service Law (PSL) and section 242 of the Real Property Law (RPL) to allow a revised On-Bill Recovery (OBR) loan transferability process to eliminate a recording requirement and reduce costs associated with the program.
S6359 Allows off-track betting corporations to set up special reserve funds to use as an alternative to current capital acquisition funds.
S6377A Names a section of route 8 between the Susquehanna River and interstate eighty-eight in the village of Sidney the "Sidney Veterans' Memorial Highway".
S6385 OCA DEPARTMENTAL - Relates to terms and conditions of employment of certain nonjudicial officers and employees of the unified court system; establishes certain conditions relating to salary and compensation increases for certain nonjudicial officers and employees of the unified court system.
S6395 OCA DEPARTMENTAL - Relates to judgment by confession; allows a government agency engaged in the enforcement of a civil or criminal law to file an affidavit in any county.
S6409 OCA DEPARTMENTAL - Relates to the privilege between a personal representative and the attorney to lifetime trustees.
S6410 DHCR DEPARTMENTAL - The bill, at the request of State Homes and Community Renewal, seeks to extend certain statutory authorizations of the NYS Housing Finance Agency (HFA), State of New York Mortgage Agency (SONYMA), and SONYMA Mortgage Insurance Fund (MIF). It also increases bonding authority of HFA by $2.5 billion to a maximum of $29.28 billion.
S6417 OCA DEPARTMENTAL - Increases the small claims court jurisdiction amount to no more than ten thousand dollars in the New York city civil courts.
S6418A NYC Small Business Services DEPARTMENTAL - Relates to opportunities for small businesses and businesses owned by women and minorities.
NAY (Does not address problems with program.)
S6421B Relates to party committee meeting and organization requirements including meeting times and the election of a chairman, a secretary, a treasurer and any other officers needed pursuant to applicable rules.
NAY (Hurts the committees.)
S6439 Amends section 54-0109 of the environmental conservation law to require annual fiscal reports issued by the department contain information on funding directed to facilitate disabled access to facilities owned or managed by the department
S6449 Authorizes consolidation of certain voting districts with a small number of eligible voters; such district must have fewer than ten eligible voters.
S6450 Establishes that certain notices mailed by the compliance unit within the board of elections shall be mailed by first class mail.
S6467 Directs the division of veterans' services to maintain a discharge upgrade advisory board program to provide written non-binding advisory opinions to veterans of the state of New York who are appealing their character of discharge from the discharge review board or the board for corrections of military or naval records for their branch of service on the federal level.
NAY (Federal issue.)
S6469 DOL DEPARTMENTAL - Provides that, for purposes of the unemployment insurance law, the entity which pays an individual shall be the employer even if the work or services are performed for a different entity.
NAY (Not necessary.)
S6471 OCA DEPARTMENTAL - Relates to the permitted submissions in a default judgment, permitting the party entitled to judgment to submit additional proof of damages.
S6472 OCA DEPARTMENTAL - Provides for the reentry of certain foster children after they were discharged from foster care after attaining the age of eighteen for failure to consent or who were discharged from foster care after attaining the age of sixteen but who is or is likely to become homeless.
NAY (Unfunded mandate.)
S6475 OCA DEPARTMENTAL - Requires the probation service to consider the views of the complainant and the impact of the alleged act of juvenile delinquency to determine if an adjustment would be suitable.
S6499 To ensure that the process of choosing applicants for tenancy in Mitchell-Lama developments is consistent and made available to the public.
S6508A Authorizes the county of Nassau to accept an application for retroactive real property exemption from the First Reformed Church of Jamaica for a certain parcel in Hempstead.
S6525B Permits video lottery gaming in the town of Woodbury, Orange county; designates vendor fees; requires a mitigation agreement.
S6527 Adds the process of submitting an application for a discharge upgrade to the discharge upgrade advisory board to the powers and duties of local veterans' service agencies.
S6533 OCA DEPARTMENTAL - Relates to requiring the video recording of interrogations of juveniles in juvenile delinquency proceedings in family court.
NAY (Mandate. Burdensome.)
S6534 OCA DEPARTMENTAL - Prohibits the use of handcuffs, chains, shackles, irons, straitjackets and other restraints on children under the age of twenty-one appearing before family court.
NAY (Hinders courtroom safety.)
S6535 OCA DEPARTMENTAL - Relates to permanency planning in juvenile delinquency and persons in need of supervision proceedings in family court.
NAY (Unfunded mandate.)
S6536 ATTORNEY GENERAL - Requires that certain crimes related to fraudulent practices in respect to stocks, bonds and other securities and conducting business in the state be commenced within six years.
S6541A Prohibits vessels from operating, anchoring or mooring in the navigable waters of the state while operating a digital billboard.
NAY (Overregulation.)
S6542 To enact a 95% exemption on global intangible low-taxed income for the purposes of state taxation.
S6550 To allow off-hour arraignment magistrates to remove certain eligible cases to family court at the initial appearance.
S6551 The bill, at the request of the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development, would amend the Local Emergency Housing Rent Control Act of 1969 and the NYC Administrative Code to allow for the NYC Housing Vacancy Survey (HVS) to be conducted in 2021 instead of 2020 due to the census.
S6553 Enacts the New York agricultural investment task force act; establishes the New York task force on agricultural investment to study and assess the future of agriculture in the state.
S6555 Relates to terms and conditions of employment for members of the collective negotiating unit consisting of investigators, senior investigators, and investigative specialists in the division of state police; relates to the employee benefit fund for members of such unit; makes an appropriation therefor (Part A); provides for the adjustment of stipends of certain incumbents in the state university of New York and designating moneys therefor; continues a doctoral program recruitment and retention enhancement fund; continues work-life services and pre-tax programs; continues a professional development committee; continues a comprehensive college graduate program recruitment and retention fund; continues a fee mitigation fund; continues a downstate location fund; continues a joint labor management advisory board; continues an accidental death benefit; provides compensation for certain state employees in the state university that are designated, stipulated, or excluded from negotiating units as managerial or confidential pursuant to article 14 of the civil service law and certain employees of contract colleges at Cornell and Alfred Universities; makes an appropriation therefor (Part B).
S6559 Authorizes the commissioner of education and the chancellor of the board of regents, with the approval of the board of regents, to appoint monitors to oversee the Hempstead union free school district.
NAY (Takeover of local control. Cost to NYS taxpayers.)
S6567 Requires the payment of prevailing wages of affected employees of the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant; requires the department of labor to oversee sale and the hiring of new employees at such power plant.
S6568 Directs the division of criminal justice services to study the state of the police department in the village of Hempstead regarding the policies, practices and finances of the police department and regarding the state of public safety in the village.
NAY (Local decision. State overreach.)
S6591 OASAS DEPARTMENTAL - Renames the office of alcoholism and substance abuse services to be the office of addiction services and supports and expands the scope of responsibilities of such office.
S1073a This bill expands the NYS Department of Health’s (DOH) authority to review the policy and practices of health care programs within the NYS Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS), as well as local correctional facilities, by including the review of policies and practices related to: women’s health; transgender health; chronic health conditions; health care services for inmates 55 years of age and older; discharge planning of health care services; and substance use disorders. The DOH currently only has review authority over HIV, AIDS and Hepatitis C programs.
NAY (This legislation has the potential to be incredibly costly for Sheriffs and counties.)
S1733 Authorizes the Grand Island central school district to establish an insurance reserve fund.
S1765 Relates to imposing an additional one percent occupancy tax in the county of Niagara to benefit the Discover Niagara Shuttle.
S1944A Provides for the removal of persons from campgrounds by the owner or operator thereof, or his or her agent; establishes the grounds for removal of persons from a campground; provides for the disposition of abandoned property at a campground.
S2080 Allows for the imposition of an additional one percent occupancy tax by the city of Lockport, Niagara county to be dedicated to the operation of the Discover Niagara Shuttle.
S2503 Provides for the inclusion of a check off box on personal income tax return forms for the purpose of making a gift to the William B. Hoyt Memorial Children and Family trust fund for child abuse prevention.
S2634 This bill would amend the Public Housing Law to allow New York City to conform the review and collection procedures for its tax on Other Tobacco Products to those used for the review and, collection of all other New York City taxes, including the New York City cigarette tax.
S2682 Establishes the flood mitigation and prevention task force to evaluate ways of protecting communities and residents of the state from flooding.
S2826 Relates to imposing an additional one percent occupancy tax in the city of Niagara Falls to benefit the Discover Niagara Shuttle.
S2836C Creates a rebuttable presumption thatit is not in the best interests of a child to be placed in the custody of or to have unsupervised visits with a person who has been convicted of a felony sex offense as defined in section 70.80 of the penal law'.
S3191 Establishes a reporting mechanism to disclose employer use of contractors who persuade employees against supporting a union or otherwise exercising their rights to collectively bargain
S3659 This bill will allow any Tier 6 member who is a uniformed court officer or peace officer employed by the Unified Court System to retire without early age reduction upon attaining 30 years of creditable service and age 55. It will also reduce the normal retirement age from 63 to 62, and lessen the reductions in benefits for those who retire prior to normal retirement age.
S3686B This bill would allow for owners of co-op apartments who are over the age of 62 the ability to obtain reverse mortgages on their cooperative apartment unit loans.
S3759 Authorizes Janice Middlebrooks, the widow of William James Middlebrooks, to file a retirement option election on behalf of her deceased husband.
S3887A Expands definition of place of public accommodation, resort or amusement in relation to unlawful discriminatory practices.
S4040A Authorizes towns in the Peconic Bay region to establish community housing funds to be funded by a supplemental real estate transfer tax; defines terms; outlines eligible expenses; establishes an advisory board in any town which has established a community housing fund to review and make recommendations regarding the town's community housing plan; makes related provisions.
S4083A Town Law § 155 allows for suspension without pay pending the trial of charges for an indefinite period of time. This bill cross-references section 75 of the civil services law to limit such suspension to 30 days.
S4423 Provides a program to promote leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma research, education and treatment and establishes the leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma research, education and treatment fund; authorizes the commissioner of taxation and finance to create a check-off gift on individual income tax returns for contributions to leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma research, education and treatment.
S4629A Prohibits mortgagees from requiring mortgagors of certain real property to purchase flood insurance exceeding a coverage amount that exceeds the outstanding mortgage thereon, or that includes coverage for contents.
S4637A Requires information on possible complications from pregnancy that can lead to death; requires screenings and referrals for serious threats to life after pregnancy.
S5073A Establishes a school voter registration access program to promote student voter registration and pre-registration.
S5180A The purpose of this legislation is to preclude identity theft on Opportunity to Ballot Petition (OTBP).
S5211A To allow owners of self-storage facilities to communicate with their occupants by e-mail only when the occupants allow that form of communication.
S5667A Authorizes Iglesia Long Island Para Cristo Inc. to file an application with the assessor of the county of Nassau for a retroactive property tax exemption.
S5668 Provides for giving of just compensation upon the taking of any billboard in accordance with the eminent domain procedure law; removes amortization schedules for the removal of billboards in areas other than industrial and manufacturing zones.
S5828A Includes the lake of Drew in Westchester county within the definition of "inland waterways" for the purposes of waterfront revitalization.
S5918A Amends the tax law to clarify that agents licensed by theTaxi and Limousine Commission are authorized on behalf of medallion owners to manage the medallions and/or make payments of the MTA improvement zone surcharge, including in batch format. These agents would be held solely liable for making these payments absent a good faith dispute of the amount owed.
S5958 Requires the director of the office for the aging to establish or approve a sexual discrimination training program; requires the director to regularly update the intake form used to assess individuals seeking to participate in programs or services offered by the office to reflect current professional standards.
S6012A Requires the use of electronic coupling when providing prearranged transportation services to allow a passenger to confirm the prearranged match through an interactive exchange of signals on both the driver's handheld device and the passenger's handheld device.
NAY (Overly burdensome)
S6013 Amends subdivision 11 of section 120.05 of thePenal law, to add to the offense of assault in the 2nd degree, intentionally causing physical injury to the supervisory personnel employed by a transit agency, authority, or company whose operation is authorizedby New York State or any of its political subdivision.
S6081 Provides, in tort cases where one defendant has settled, that remaining defendants must elect, prior to trial, whether to reduce liability by the amount of the settlement or by the amount of the equitable share of damages delegated to the settler in the verdict.
NAY (Increased insurance costs.)
S6212A Requires blanket health insurance policies to provide coverage for outpatient treatment by mental health practitioners (mental health counsellors, marriage and family therapists, creative arts therapists and psychoanalysts) licensed pursuant to article 163 of the education law.
S6213A Relates to designating a portion of the state highway system as the "Roger J. Mazal Memorial Bridge".
S6301 DORMITORY AUTHORITY - The bill would amend the Public Authorities Law ("PAL") to authorize theestablishment by the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York ("DASNY") of a four-year procurement pilot program (the "Pilot Program") to further expand contracting opportunities for small businesses (as defined in Economic Development Law ("EDL") § 131) and minority-owned and women-owned business enterprises
S6306 Authorizes the counties of Washington and Saratoga to waive certain fees for veterans' organizations.
S6324 This bill would amend section 1803-a of the Real Property Tax Law to cap the maximum class growth rate at zero percent for fiscal year 2020.
S6326 DOS DEPARTMENTAL - Amends Public Service Law (PSL) § 130 to clarify that, upon express authority of the Commission, state agencies and municipalities may require any approval, consent, permit, or other condition for the construction or operation of a major electric or gas transmission facility. It would also provide that preemption under PSL § 130 would not extend to otherwise applicable state or local laws for the administration and enforcement of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code.
S6345 Relates to providing that a special patrol officer of the county of Oswego need not be a resident of such county.
S6367 To amend section 8 of Part A of Chapter 504 of the Laws of 2009 to apply to members of the New York State and Local Police and Fire Retirement System who became members on or after July 1, 2009 and before January 9, 2010
S6420 To provide in unconsolidated law, a remedy in relation to the miscalculation of benefits by a retirement system; and in relation to benefits to be paid to Katherine Sweeney
S6442 Authorizes the city of New York to sell waterfront property in the Broad channel area.
S6444 The purpose of this bill relates to the docketing of adjudications of certain violations of laws enforced by the New York city department of consumer affairs.
S6511 Provides that all equipment used for the transmission and switching of radio signals for the provision of commercial mobile radio service or mobile internet access service no longer constitutes real property subject to the real property tax law.
S6552 Permits a plaintiff to recover directly against a third party defendant found to be liable to the defendant in certain actions.
NAY (Increased liability costs.)
S6566 Relates to development or redevelopment of Pier 40 in the Hudson river park and amount of passive and active public open space necessary for such development or redevelopment.
S3839 This bill would add requirements for continuing education for real estate licensees to include 2 1/2 hours pertaining to ethical business practices and 1 hour pertaining to legal updates.
S4241A This bill would amend sections 101-aa and 101-aaa of the alcoholic beverage control law to authorize retail licensees to purchase beer, wine and liquor by means of a business credit card.
S4020A This bill prohibits telemarketers from knowingly making an unsolicited telemarketing sales call to any person in a county, city, town or village under a declared state of emergency or disaster emergency. Additionally, the bill adds unsolicited telemarketing sales call during a de-clared state of emergency to the list of actions under the law that constitute abusive telemarketing acts or practices. The bill does not include in telemarketing sales calls any call from a utility company providing information to a consumer.
S2161B Requires the department of corrections and community supervision to establish a program that would allow inmates with substance abuse disorders the option to participate in a medication assisted treatment program. The B print makes an amendment that jails "may" apply to the commissioner for a limited exception allowing such jail to enter into an agreement with a community- or jail-based program offering substance use disorder treatment and transition services to provide such services to individuals in such jails. The "A" print made it mandatory.
NAY (Unfunded mandate. Takes funds from non-offender treatment.)
S93 Amends the election law to require the authorized campaign account of a candidate or elected official convicted of a felony to wind down within two years and dispense of said funds subject to the guidelines in current law.
S3916B This bill requires the State University of New York (SUNY) to establish a access fee option for graduate students on leave from a graduate or professional degree program to continue to use SUNY facilities such as libraries, computers and/or student centers, to continue a research project or pursue other academic endeavors. The fee shall cost no more then one credit of the students' program and shall not be charged to certain graduate students serving full-time or part-time as graduate research or teaching assistants.
S3445 Directs each community college to study the effectiveness of the current full time equivalent funding formula and alternatives thereto.
S5848B This bill allows dental hygienists to administer block anesthesia in addition to the currently allowed local anesthesia and infiltration, in conformance with regulations of the commissioner.
S5224B Provides for the election of members of the board of education of the Buffalo city school district in November rather than in May; creates a timetable for the electoral proceedings therefor; extends the terms of current members of such board to the last day of December rather than June; provides for future terms to run from January through December; and staggers terms.
S6411A BATTERY PARK CITY AUTHORITY DEPARTMENTAL - This bill would authorize the Battery Park City Authority to issue up to $500 million of bonds in connection with a program of infrastructure construction, improvements and related capital expenditures plus additional bonds to cover to cover 1) any related debt service reserve fund, 2) provide for any capitalized interest, and 3) provide for any fees of underwriting or related costs.
S6494 Requires the Rye Country Day School to make the athletic field and track available for rental to public recreation groups for a certain amount of time per year
S6526A Designates state route 60 in the city of Jamestown, county of Chautauqua, as the "Private Charles S. Cooper, Jr. Memorial Highway".
S6571A The bill provides technical corrections and clarification language to the Housing Stability & Tenant Protection Act of 2019'
NAY (1. NYC imposition on rest of state. 2. No housing issue upstate. 3. Will adversely impact those in need. 4. Limits the ability for owners to recover ROI. 5. Eliminates means testing. 6. Will disincentivize investment. 7. Creates an issue for towns and villages. 8. "Class of Housing" could single out certain owners.)
S6584 This bill makes several exceptions to the disclosure protections established in the "Driver's License Access and Privacy Act" so as to process an application or renewal application for a driver's license or learner's permit that meets federal standards for identification.
S6597 This bill makes a technical correction that no shared electric scooter system shall operate on public highways in a county with a population of no less than one million five hundred eighty-five thousand (replacing one million five hundred eighty-six thousand).
S6372A Establishes the "Gateway Development Commission Act" which enables such commission to facilitate a passenger rail project between Penn Station, Newark, New Jersey and Penn Station, New York, New York.
S5414C This proposed legislation, as it relates to the New York City Pension Funds and Retirement Systems (NYCRS), would amend section 177(8) of the Retirement and Social Security Law (RSSL) to increase the current foreign equities investment cap from 10% of the fund's assets in the aggregate to 20% of the fund's assets in the aggregate.
S6285A Authorizes the town of Amherst, county of Erie, to alienate and discontinue the use of certain parklands.
S6594 This bill makes technical amendments to the sexual harassment bill that provides unlawful discriminatory practice protections to certain individuals.
S5484B Designates a portion of the state highway system including the bridges on interstate eighty-six which cross state route four hundred fifteen as the "Trooper Nicholas F. Clark Memorial Bridge".
S6593 Authorizes Erie county to waive certain fees for veterans' organizations.
S5898D The purpose of the bill is to expand eligibility for the World Trade Center disability benefits to include Tier 3 and 4 public employees who are members of the State and Local Employees' Retirement System or the State Teachers Retirement System and extend the filing deadline.
S4467 Establishes a Black youth suicide prevention task force; provides for the number of members, manner of appointment and the topics to be reviewed.
S2302 Prohibits a consumer reporting agency or lender from using the credit scores of members of an individual's social network to determine the credit worthiness of such individual.
S2829B Requires debt collectors to send consumers a written notice of their rights under state law along with their initial debt collection correspondence; such notice would contain information such as who and when a principal creditor may contact a debtor about the debt owed as well as the fact that a principal creditor cannot disclose information affecting a consumer debtor's reputation for creditworthiness if the principal creditor knows or has reason to know such information is false; applies to consumer rather than commercial debts.
NAY (Not necessary.)
S5511 Relates to providing records for protection and advocacy services in a timely manner of not longer than three business days upon written request and within twenty-four hours when there is probable cause to believe the health or safety of an individual is in serious or immediate jeopardy.
S5591A This bill would amend and update § 1513 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to provide the option for cemetery corporations to enter into contracts with third party vendors to provide a website or web-based portals for cemeteries to offer their lots and services on the internet.
S6151 The purpose of this bill is to clarify when a pistol or revolver may be legally transported by a license holder, as well as set a statewide standard for the safe transportation of firearms.
S5054 Relates to the confinement of companion animals in unattended motor vehicles under conditions that endanger the health or well-being of an animal and what can be done in the event an animal is seen suffering; adds paid or volunteer firefighters and emergency services personnel as persons authorized to remove such companion animals from unattended vehicles because of extreme temperatures; and provides penalties.
S3985B Increases the average assessed value threshold; relates to the eligibility of J-51 tax abatements to reflect cost of living adjustments.
S6219A Relates to wages and supplements for building service employees employed at certain properties held in the cooperative or condominium form of ownership receiving a tax abatement, affidavits certifying the payment of prevailing wages to building service workers are made public record and may be produced before a court or administrative tribunal.
NAY (Private sector housing. No government funding involved.)
S6265A Ensures that utility employees, who currently fall outside the definition of an employee that may receive the prevailing wage, fall under such wage requirements.
NAY (Will increase rates. Not public funding.)
S6588A Authorizes a state monitor for the Wyandanch union free school district to provide direct oversight of the fiscal policies, practices, programs and decisions of such school district.
NAY (Diminishes local control.)
S6600 Establishes requirements for trampoline parks including requirements regarding registration, compliance with industry standards, employee training, inspection, and insurance.
S31 Requires organizations that receive funds for capital improvements by the New York state dormitory authority and the urban development corporation to use such funds for the purchase of energy star equipment and appliances where available; defines energy star.
S311 Directs the commissioner of education to study and report on the provision of services to public school students in grades 8 through 12 by guidance counselors.
S649 Amends the Private Housing Finance Law by adding a new Section 45-d, creating the Mortgage Assisted Repopulation Program.
S1731 Relates to authorizing the city of Buffalo and the village of Angola to correct a property line between certain properties lying within the town of Evans which was formerly parkland.
S2547 Provides for the financing and construction of facilities for Village of Lake Placid, Inc. by the dormitory authority.
S2915A Authorizes the Cayuga county jail to be used for the detention of persons under arrest being held for arraignment in any court located in the county of Cayuga.
S3122 Relates to granting peace officer status to uniformed members of the bureau of fire prevention of the town of Islip.
S3772 Requires high schools to carry and have a trained employee to administer opioid antagonists during all school hours and after school activities.
S3948 Creates distinctive license plates for members and supporters of the United States army 10th mountain division.
S4160A Relates to the disposition of foreign fire insurance premium taxes received by the Volunteer Exempt Firefighter's Benevolent Association of Whitehall, New York.
S4200A Exempts certain vessels from the compulsory state pilotage requirement at the discretion of the board of commissioners of pilots.
S4631 Provides total disability benefits for volunteer firefighters and volunteer ambulance workers for injuries sustained on or after July 1, 2019.
S4663B Relates to fire inspections in public and private schools; requires annual fire safety reports.
S5017A Requires a bank or financial institution selling or transferring a mortgage during a modification process to provide the borrower with a written list of all documents relating to such application for modification that were provided to the bank or financial institution to which such mortgage was sold or transferred; and relates to the obligations of subsequent mortgage servicer shall assume all duties and obligations related to any previously approved first lien loan modification or other foreclosure prevention alternative.
S5221 Adds W-18(4-chloro-N-[1-[2-(4-nitrophenyl)ethyl] 2piperidinylidene]benzenesulfonamide) to the schedule of controlled substances.
S5245 To prohibit internet service providers from selling the private information of consumers in New York State without consumers providing proper notice or risking the quality of their service.
S5422 Amends section 58 of the state highway law toprovide that the state shall be liable for damages suffered by any person for defects in state highways maintained by the state under such system as the commissioner of transportation may adopt pursuant tosection twelve to of this chapter, providing the state has received actual or constructive notice of such defects.
S5611 Allows deputy sheriffs Matthew Ashton, Bradley Hamilton, and Joshua Whitney, to join the optional twenty-five year retirement plan, county of Washington.
S5679A Relates to additional information provided to employees on public work contracts, including supplements.
NAY (Not necessary. Prevailing wage already required.)
S5856 The purpose of this bill is to amend the Township Forty Settlement Act, Title 19 of Article 9 of the Environmental Conservation Law ("ECL"), authorizing resolution of one additional competing claim of title between the State and a private party in Township Forty, Totten and Crossfield Purchase (Raquette Lake), in the Town of Long Lake, Hamilton County (Township Forty).
S5961 Authorizes the exchange or transfer of firearms, rifles and shotguns pursuant to a decedent's will and/or probate order; prohibits transfers of large capacity ammunition feeding devices.
S6144 Clarifies the definition of a fire company to include a fire response and fire rescue unit of a county airport or county aviation department; and to ensure employees of such fire response and fire rescue units are eligible for equal benefits as other paid firefighters.
S5084 Provides for a deduction from personal gross income for expenses incurred in the adoption of a child in the foster care system.
S6169A DOT DEPARTMENTAL - This bill would amend Article 2, Section 21 of the transportation law to increase the State Single Audit (SSA) reporting threshold. Additionally, this bill would amend the transportation law to change the due date for submission of the annual SSA report from October 15 to October 31.
S6260 Authorizes the counties of Nassau and Suffolk to waive certain fees for veterans organizations.
S6346 Increases the amount from $25,000 to $50,000 for actions and proceedings in the New York city civil court.
S6357 Relates to the Central Pine Barrens area and the core preservation area; amends the legal description of such areas.
S6441 Authorizes the town of Ithaca, county of Tompkins, to alienate and convey certain parcels of land used as parklands.
S6452 Permits special districts to adopt local laws providing for an exemption for improvements to residential real property for the purpose of facilitating accessibility of such property to a physically disabled owner.
S6474 Relates to the age requirements applicable to certain appointments or promotions of public employees in cities with a population of one million or more who have been absent on military duty.
S6507 Designates members of the security force of Rochester general hospital as peace officers.
S6579A Reduces the penalty for unlawful possession of marihuana and renames the offense. Amends the definition of criminal possession of marihuana in the fifth degree, reduces it penalty, and renames the offense. Provides for expungement of records and automatic sealing of records. Amends the definition of "smoking" pursuant to the public health law to include marihuana.
NAY (Insufficient research to take steps toward legalization.)
S6585A Permits the Patchogue Fire District to file an application for a real property tax exemption.
S6391 This bill would repeal Labor Law § 206-b, which prohibits factory or mercantile owners from knowingly employing a female who has given birth within the last 4 weeks without specific written permissions.
S6614 Provides for vacating records for certain marihuana related proceedings.
NAY (Even worse than initial bill.)
S6184 Relates to the growth of industrial hemp and the regulation of hemp extract and provides for the licensing of cannabinoid related hemp extract and the requirements for such licenses.
S6615 Relates to the reporting of performance metrics by the MTA of all services provided by New York city transit authority subways and Long Island rail road and Metro-North commuter railroad trains (Part A); relates to the description of the central business district (Part B); relates to the MTA's reorganization plan (Part C); relates to removing caps on automated enforcement cameras for bus lanes; bus lane photo devices (Part D); relates to the membership of the metropolitan transportation authority; one member may be the director of the division of budget (Part E); relates to switching from the STAR tax exemption to the STAR tax credit (Part G); establishes the empire state entertainment diversity job training development fund (Subpart A); and modifies the definition of a qualified film production facility (Subpart B)(Part H); exempts from tax a portion of global intangible low-taxed income (Part I); modifies the definition of vendor and marketplace provider and increases the cumulative total of a person's gross receipts from sales of property delivered in the state from three hundred thousand to one million dollars (Part J); relates to issuance of bonds and notes; relates to capital grants (Part K); extends the award dates for authorized amounts to be awarded pursuant to applications submitted in response to the request for application number 17648 to September 1, 2019 (Part L); relates to the definition of an authorized entity that may utilize design-build contracts (Part M); makes technical corrections to the "Jose Peralta New York state DREAM act" (Part N); relates to mass transit access for LaGuardia airport (Part O); limits the rate of interest on any judgment or accrued claim against the authority arising out of condemnation proceedings to six percent (Part P); relates to making certain technical corrections to chapter 36 of the laws of 2019 relating to rent control (Part Q); relates to the operational expenses of certain gaming facilities (Part R); relates to video lottery gaming in Orange county (Part S); and increases the number of supreme court judges and county court judges in certain jurisdictions (Part T).
NAY (Includes rent control, decriminalization of marihuana, etc.)
S6616 Amends the Capital Projects budget.
AYE (More money for roads and bridges.)
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