Senate Announces Long Island Hearing On New York’s Transit Systems

(Albany, NY) The Senate today announced that their second public hearing on the effectiveness of New York’s transit networks will be held on Long Island. Senator Tim Kennedy, Chair of the Transportation Committee, and Senator Leroy Comrie, Chair of the Corporations, Authorities, and Commissions Committee, will lead these hearings, to ensure that legislative activity in 2019 addresses the needs of Long Island.

“Improving our state’s mass transit infrastructure is a crucial challenge that we must meet,” Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins said. “I look forward to Long Islanders having the opportunity to share their priorities and discuss these important issues directly with their elected leaders. I commend Senators Kennedy and Comrie for organizing these hearings and working with their Senate Majority colleagues on Long Island to improve the LIRR and MTA.”

Chair of the Senate’s Transportation Committee, Senator Tim Kennedy said, “During our first transportation hearing in New York City, we listened to the concerns and priorities of many riders who rely on New York’s transit networks every day, as well as the transportation agencies and management who oversee them. It is clear that significant improvements need to be made in order to sustain these aging systems, and we’re committed to addressing these issues and working collaboratively to find solutions. We look forward to continuing this important dialogue with ridership on Long Island this week.”

Chair of the Senate’s Corporations, Authorities, and Commissions Committee, Senator Leroy Comrie said, “Transit connectivity and reliability across Long Island are critical issues not only for Long Island commuters, but also the well-being of our state and regional economy. I am committed to working in collaboration with my colleagues, as well as the leadership at the MTA LIRR, riders, and the larger public, to ensure that we as a state are on a trajectory toward improved transit service, as well as greater accountability and transparency.”

The Long Island hearing will be on Friday, March 1st at 3:00 PM at the Theodore Roosevelt Executive and Legislative Building, 1550 Franklin Ave, Mineola. The first hearing was held in New York City on February 19th. Additional hearings will take place in the Hudson Valley, Syracuse, and Buffalo.

Senator John Brooks said, “Long Island will now have the opportunity to voice growing concerns about affordability, reliability, and connectivity deficiencies we face with our existing mass transit infrastructure. I am pleased to be a part of these hearings and am committed to work with my colleagues in the Senate in building a long-range, comprehensive plan that will bring efficiency and refinement to our statewide transit services, and ensure Long Island priorities within it.”

Senator Jim Gaughran said, “Safe, reliable, affordable public transit is a necessity for Long Islanders. For too long the LIRR and our bus systems have been neglected, and riders relegated to overcrowded and late service. The Senate will be holding the LIRR and MTA accountable as we work towards giving riders the long-needed relief they deserve.”

Senator Todd Kaminsky said, “Long Island Rail Road riders deserve a sane and dignified commute. For far too long, Albany abandoned its oversight responsibilities and has not demanded accountability. With our hearings, we will finally begin to hold MTA officials accountable and ensure riders get the commute they deserve.”

Senator Anna Kaplan said, “It’s so important to make it as easy as possible for people to interact with their government and have their voices heard, and that’s why it’s so critical to be having hearings about important issues like the MTA and LIRR here in our community. Ongoing service issues with the LIRR and our mass transit infrastructure impact so many people on Long Island, and this hearing will provide an opportunity for everyone to voice their concerns and experiences to their elected representatives.”

Senator Monica Martinez said, “I am committed to improving the efficiency of the LIRR and MTA in partnership with my colleagues in the Senate and the public. When we take the time to listen to our constituents who utilize New York’s transit systems, I believe we can come to a solution that will help improve the everyday lives of all commuters. We want residents of our respective districts to know that they have a voice, and that their collective concerns are of the utmost importance to us as elected officials.”

Senator Kevin Thomas said, “I look forward to joining my colleagues from the State Senate as we welcome local residents at a hearing in Mineola this week to discuss improvements to the LIRR and MTA. It’s important for us to have an open dialogue as so many Long Islanders rely on the LIRR as their main source of transportation to New York City. This public hearing will assist us in determining how to chart the best course of action going forward.”

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Senators Involved

35th Senate District

Senate District

14th Senate District