State Legislature To Hold Joint Western New York Hearing On New York’s Transit Systems

(Albany, NY) The Senate Majority and Assembly Majority today announced that they will hold a joint public hearing on the effectiveness of New York’s transit networks in Western New York. Senator Tim Kennedy, Chair of the Transportation Committee, and Senator Leroy Comrie, Chair of the Corporations, Authorities, and Commissions Committee, together with Assemblymember William B. Magnarelli, Chair of the Assembly Transportation Committee, will lead these hearings, to ensure that legislative activity in 2019 addresses the needs of Western New York.  

“Improving our state’s mass transit infrastructure is a crucial challenge that we must meet,” Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins said. “I look forward to the residents of Western New York having the opportunity to share their priorities and discuss these important issues directly with their elected leaders. I commend Senator Kennedy, who works tirelessly on behalf of his constituents in Western New York, and Senator Comrie for organizing this hearing to address regional transportation needs.”

“Mass transit is a statewide issue,” said Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie. “Under the leadership of Assembly Transportation Chair Bill Magnarelli and with our partners in the Senate, this hearing will give us the opportunity to hear first-hand what needs to happens so Western New York’s transportation  infrastructure can continue to get people where they need to be safely and efficiently.”

Chair of the Senate’s Transportation Committee, Senator Tim Kennedy said, “Throughout these statewide hearings, we've listened to the concerns of many riders from New York City, Long Island, and the Hudson Valley who rely on New York’s transit networks every day. Just as importantly, we've furthered a dialogue with the transportation agencies and management who oversee them. We look forward to taking these conversations Upstate, and hearing directly from Western New Yorkers about their priorities so that we can incorporate their feedback into final budget negotiations.”

Chair of the Senate’s Corporations, Authorities, and Commissions Committee, Senator Leroy Comrie said, “The issues surrounding transit access and mobility extend beyond the downstate region. The voices of riders, labor, and other stakeholders in Buffalo and throughout the Western New York region must be included in our ongoing conversations on how we can build and operate better transit systems throughout New York State.”

Chair of the Assembly’s Transportation Committee, Assemblymember William B. Magnarelli, said, “Transit issues in upstate and Western New York have long been overlooked because of a crumbling system downstate. It is time we hear from upstate and Western New York commuters, laborers, and other stakeholders to improve the transit systems that so many of our residents rely on.” 

The Western New York hearing will be on Friday, March 15th, at 2:00 PM at Buffalo City Hall, 65 Niagara Square, Buffalo NY 14202. This will be the fourth hearing held by the Senate Democrat Majority on this important issue following hearings in New York City (2/19), Long Island (3/1) and the Hudson Valley (3/8). An additional hearing will take place in Syracuse.

If you would like to testify at one of the hearings, please RSVP to


Senators Involved

35th Senate District

Senate District

14th Senate District