Jacobs Sponsors Bill to Boost Adoption Efforts
Senator Jacobs
January 7, 2020
(Buffalo, NY) – New York State Senator Chris Jacobs announced today that he has introduced legislation (S 6898) that would enable New York State taxpayers to contribute any portion of their state tax refund to a newly created “Adoption Access Fund”.
“I believe that the significant costs to adopt a child, the many logistical challenges involved in a very complicated process, and an alarming push by the progressive Democrat majority in Albany to expand abortion in New York State have all contributed to a decline in adoptions in recent years,” said Jacobs. “Creating the Adoption Access Fund and enabling residents to use their tax refunds as a source for contributing will not only aid families seeking to adopt a child, but it will also raise awareness and promote adoption as a viable alternative for women with unintended pregnancies.”
The National Council for Adoption has reported a seventeen percent reduction in adoptions over a seven-year period. The bill would enable the creation of the fund, to be administered jointly by the Office of the State Comptroller and the Office of Children and Family Services. More than 130 adoption agencies across the state, as well as roughly another 70 authorized voluntary agencies, would be able to apply for funding to support both operations and programs with funds to be distributed geographically across the state.
“New York State currently allows residents to use the tax filing process to support many worthwhile causes, and I think encouraging adoption services is a great addition to this program,” said Jacobs. “Supporting the formation of families that will strengthen our communities is a philosophy that deserves the attention and focus of state government,” the Senator concluded.