Mental Health & Developmental Disabilities Committee Chair Issues Statement on World Suicide Prevention Day
Senator David Carlucci
September 10, 2020

Senator David Carlucci (D-Rockland/Westchester) issued the following statement on World Suicide Prevention Day:
Suicide is a public health crisis, plaguing New York State. Sadly, the COVID-19 pandemic is increasing disorders like anxiety, depression, and substance abuse, which left untreated can lead to suicide. To save lives, we must continue to focus on the groups most at risk like Black, LGBTQ, and Latina youth, veterans, farmers, and first responders. We must also address the mental health needs of all essential workers by establishing resources to address trauma. Suicide prevention is about our efforts and policies to make mental health care more accessible, while eliminating stigma.”
Senator David Carlucci has legislation to make the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 3-digits similar to 911. To view the Senator's report on suicide prevention in NYS with this recommendation and others, click here: https://www.nysenate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/david-carlucci/carlucci-rivera-release-senate-report-troubling-suicide.