Statement from Senator Borrello on the Green Light Law and Trusted Traveler Program
February 13, 2020

“It was bad enough when Senate Democrats wrote the Green Light Law to give illegal immigrants driver’s licenses, defying the wishes of the majority of New Yorkers who oppose it. It was bad enough that they failed to listen to every New York State Senate Republican who warned them of the issues it presented and then voted for it anyway. It’s bad enough that Democrats openly admitted on the floor that they wanted to create sanctuary through this law.
“But now New Yorkers and businesses are the latest victims of One Party Rule and Democrats’ ill-conceived laws. There is a theme among Democrats ruling Albany: they put criminals first, and everyone else last.
“It is time for Governor Cuomo to make law-abiding citizens a priority and fully fix the Trusted Traveler turmoil and restore full access to federal law enforcement dealing with immigration issues.”
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