Fulton County Supervisors Pass Resolution in Support of Senator Tedisco’s Bi-Partisan Bill for Independent Investigation into Nursing Home Deaths

Senator Jim Tedisco

September 14, 2020

“As I’ve said before, some issues transcend partisan politics. The families of thousands of New Yorkers who lost their lives from COVID-19 while in state-regulated nursing homes deserve a measure of closure and we need to help prepare for a second wave of the virus or a future pandemic.”

“I want to thank the Fulton County Board of Supervisors for their bi-partisan leadership in being the first county legislature in the state to support for my own bi-partisan legislation (S.8756/A.10857) with Majority Democratic Assemblyman Ron Kim and members from both sides of the aisle for an independent, bi-partisan state commission with subpoena power to fully investigate the deaths of thousands of New Yorkers who died from COVID-19 in nursing homes.”

“It’s well past time to give family members answers and bring closure to the loved ones of the thousands of New Yorkers who lost their lives in nursing homes during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic.”


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