Senator Jen Metzger Announces Funding for SD-42 Library Renovations
October 13, 2020
- Library Funding
- Library Resources

Hudson Valley and Catskills, NY…Senator Jen Metzger (SD-42) today announced library construction awards for eight libraries in Orange, Sullivan, and Ulster Counties. The New York State Education Department and New York State Library awards are supported by a $34 million capital fund appropriation in the 2019-2020 State Budget strongly advocated for by Metzger. Libraries receiving the grants are the Albert Wisner Public Library in Warwick, Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library in Monticello, Goshen Public Library and Historical Society, Greenwood Lake Public Library, Port Jervis Free Library, Tuxedo Park Library, Wallkill Public Library, and Western Sullivan Public Library in Jeffersonville.
“Our public libraries are about so much more than lending books," said Senator Metzger. "They are a vital community resource and gathering place, a go-to for information, a place where people can access a computer and the internet or enjoy a lecture or educational program--and it is all free. During this challenging time, our libraries are more important than ever, and these capital grants enable repairs and upgrades that improve safety and comfort for library patrons and staff, and often save taxpayers money by reducing energy costs. I want to congratulate all eight libraries in our Senate District on these awards.”
During the spring and summer months, Senator Metzger delivered gallons of NYS hand sanitizer to these and other libraries around her district to protect staff and patrons.
Executive Director of Ramapo Catskill Library System (RCLS) Grace Riario said, “Construction Aid allows public libraries to continue helping their communities. Senator Metzger is a library champion, who understands and appreciates the value libraries bring to their communities. We are grateful to Senator Metzger for investing in our communities’ future by investing in libraries.”
SD-42 libraries receiving New York State Education Department library construction awards are listed below.
Albert Wisner Public Library, Warwick -- $121,700 to upgrade dry sprinkler fire protection and replace approximately 350 square-feet of sidewalk in front of the library.
Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library, Monticello -- $24,161 to repoint original brick facade on Broadway and add additional security cameras.
Goshen Public Library and Historical Society, Goshen -- $118,173 to construct a reading plaza and brick/stone site sitting walls.
Greenwood Lake Public Library, Greenwood Lake -- $306,075 to renovate bathrooms, HVAC, electric and technology systems, remove asbestos, upgrade access and interior for the Children's and Young Adult's space.
Port Jervis Free Library, Port Jervis -- $130,027 for drainage improvements to the library.
Tuxedo Park Library, Tuxedo Park -- $9,581 to replace light fixtures with energy-efficient LED fixtures and replace the drop ceiling with fire retardant panels made from recycled material.
Wallkill Public Library, Wallkill -- $198,461 for reading room addition to improve flexibility and program offerings, as well as roofing improvements.
Western Sullivan Public Library, Jeffersonville Branch, Jeffersonville -- $20,849 to upgrade the lower level HVAC system and replace the hot water heater.
Jen Metzger represents the 42nd Senate District, which includes all of Sullivan County and parts of Delaware, Orange, and Ulster Counties. Senator Metzger serves as Chair of the Agriculture Committee and sits on the Environmental Conservation, Education, Health, Energy and Telecommunications, Local Government, Women’s Issues, Domestic Animal Welfare, and Legislative Commission on Rural Resources Committees.