Griffo bill helping barbershops, hair salons passed by Senate
July 24, 2020

New York State Sen. Joseph Griffo, R-I-C-Rome, announced today that legislation he has sponsored that would repeal the state’s prohibition on barbering on Sundays has been unanimously passed by the state Senate.
The state’s current prohibition, while loosely and rarely enforced, disallows “any person who carries on or engages in the business of shaving, hair cutting or other work of a barber on the first days of the week.” Sen. Griffo's bill would lift this blanket prohibition and allow establishments to open their doors for business on Sundays if they so choose.
“I am pleased that the Senate has passed my legislation that will help barbershops and salons recover from the coronavirus pandemic," Sen. Griffo said. “The existing law is antiquated, archaic and unnecessary and should be repealed."
The state Assembly has yet to take action on the legislation.