Senator Thomas Introduces Bill to Freeze Tuition Costs at SUNY and CUNY Universities

(Garden City, NY) State Senator Kevin Thomas (D-Levittown) today introduced a bill (S7615) today that would freeze tuition costs at state and city universities for four years. 

The purpose of the legislation is to provide relief for students and address the widening  $139 million “TAP Gap”, the difference between the state's tuition assistance program funding and actual tuition costs. By freezing tuition, the growth of the TAP gap will remain stagnant for the first time in five years.  The bill would also require SUNY and CUNY boards to study and develop a report on best methods to close the TAP gap. 

“Public universities are a vital resource because they provide families access to college at an affordable price,” said Senator Kevin Thomas. “Annual tuition increases only widen the TAP gap and force our students to shoulder the cost. We need to relieve the pressure on students and families, and come up with a long-term solution to ensure that SUNY and CUNY remain world-class higher education institutions that are accessible to all New Yorkers.” 



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