Senator Helming: Nominate a Community Star!

GENEVA – Now is your chance to nominate a Community Star! Senator Pam Helming is encouraging those who know of a business or individual located in the 54th Senate District, who should be recognized for their selfless actions during the COVID-19 pandemic, to consider nominating this individual or business as a Community Star.
“Despite the difficult challenges brought about by the COVID-19 crisis, many individuals and businesses in our area have gone above and beyond the call of duty. Whether it has been by donating personal protective equipment, sewing face masks or preparing and donating meals, the generosity of our community has been astounding! While this work has often been done quietly, without any expectation or desire for recognition, I believe it is important to highlight the inspiring and extraordinary work these businesses and individuals have contributed,” Senator Pam Helming said.
Each week from August through October, Senator Helming will be posting a recognition video of these Community Stars! But she needs your help! If you know of a business or individual located in the Towns of Webster or Lansing or in Ontario, Wayne, Seneca or Cayuga Counties who should be recognized for their selfless actions during the pandemic, please consider submitting a Community Star Recognition Form. Forms can be found on Senator Helming’s website: Helming.nysenate.gov, her Facebook page or may be requested by calling her office at 315-568-9816.
“During the past several months, ‘everyday citizens’, along with our first responders, essential workers, and business and community partners have put in long hours and made great sacrifices in order to safeguard the well-being of our community and to meet the needs of neighbors, friends and family. This amazing display of kindness, caring and compassion is truly inspiring. I want to thank each and every person who has stepped up and contributed,” Senator Helming continued.