Senators Martinez and Boyle Urge the Assembly to Pass Tucker’s Law After Yet Another Act of Animal Cruelty Occurs
Sarah Schreiner, Adina Beedenbender
August 6, 2020
New York State Senators Monica R. Martinez and Phil Boyle, both from Suffolk County, are renewing their plea with the New York State Assembly to pass ‘Tucker’s Law’. Tucker’s Law was written and passed in the New York State Senate last year, to allow for a judge to exercise their discretion to order consecutive or concurrent sentences when an individual is convicted of multiple counts of aggravated cruelty to animals. Unfortunately, this legislation has stalled in the Assembly more than once.
After a story emerged this weekend where a goose was found to have a firework bound to its body, believed only to have survived by escaping to the water when the fuse was lit on the device, Senators Martinez and Boyle have renewed their fight for this legislation, to hold such heartless and vicious individuals accountable for their actions.
Senator Monica R. Martinez said, "This legislation was important when it was introduced last year, and it’s importance has not diminished - it has increased, as is proven by the case this weekend. The number of cases of cruelty to animals cannot be ignored. It has been proven time and time again that a direct link exists between animal abuse and other crimes against humans. The person(s) responsible for the heinous act against a defenseless goose, for what can only be imagined as sick form of entertainment, MUST be held accountable, and his/ her sentence should be determined accordingly. I urge my colleagues in the Assembly to pass this bill immediately, to protect the voiceless, defenseless animals, who cannot protect themselves against these criminals.”
“What kind of psychopath would strap an explosive device to a goose? Thank God the device did not explode and the animal, at a pond on Long Island, was saved. We must find the person responsible before they strike again and, inevitably, turn to hurting humans. I also call on the New York State Assembly to pass “Tuckers Law” and other measures which will increase criminal penalties for animal cruelty. Passage of these laws protecting animals, both wild and companion, is long overdue!” said Senator Phil Boyle.
“Passing this legislation would be a major victory in the effort to stop animal cruelty and make our communities safer,” DA Singas said. “Aggravated Cruelty to Animals is the only felony in New York State where a defendant cannot be sent to prison and cannot face consecutive sentences for separate victims, but ‘Tucker’s Law’ would change that. There’s no place in our society for maiming, torturing or killing animals – period – and I thank Senators Martinez and Boyle for their leadership.”
“We have remained steadfast in our commitment to, and support of, Tucker’s Law and are grateful to Senators Martinez and Boyle for continuing their efforts for the passage of this law,” said Joanne Yohannan, Senior Vice President, Operations, North Shore Animal League America. “We are deeply committed to continuing to be the voice for those who cannot speak for themselves. We firmly believe that anyone who would hurt an animal deserves the harshest punishment allowed by the law and those punishments should be severe.”
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