Senator Mayer, Assemblyman Otis, & Local Port Chester Officials Share Important Update for Businesses in State Designated COVID-19 Orange Zones
December 11, 2020

Senator Shelley B. Mayer and Assemblyman Steve Otis are pleased to share with the Port Chester community Governor Andrew Cuomo’s announcement today that gyms and salons in designated ‘Orange Zones’ may open with restrictions. Under the Governor’s new order, gyms, barber shops and salons, previously closed when local Covid-19 infection rates triggered an Orange Zone designation, may now open at 25% capacity and by implementing weekly testing.
This is positive news for the Port Chester community, currently the only area in Westchester with an orange zone designation, whose gyms and salons have been shuttered for approximately three weeks. The new metrics for an Orange Zone designation include a local positivity rate over 4% for 10 days and an 85% hospital capacity in the area.
Senator Shelley B. Mayer said, “I am pleased that today Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that salons and gyms in Orange Zones like Port Chester are allowed to reopen safely with increased testing requirements and reduced capacity. This is an important step forward for so many small businesses in Port Chester. Sadly, we know that our restaurants continue to struggle under the Orange Zone rules that govern them, and we will keep fighting for support for our restaurants and remain guided by science-based regulations that keep everyone safe and allow our businesses to operate. We all want the same thing: for our small businesses to thrive and to curb the spread of COVID-19 in the Village of Port Chester. I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues and the many small business owners in Port Chester to ensure they can safely open and have the necessary resources to keep going and thriving through these incredibly challenging times.”
Assemblyman Steve Otis said, “Senator Mayer and I have pushed for these changes for local businesses and appreciate all the times the Governor and the Department of Health have worked with us on issues and to make adjustments based upon the case we make. Those efforts continue as we work together to lower infection and hospitalization rates in Port Chester. Small businesses are following safety rules. Our goal is to fully open all businesses in Port Chester and lift zone restrictions.”
Mayor of Port Chester Fritz Falanka said, “This is certainly a step in the right direction to get some businesses open in the Village of Port Chester. But we are certainly still concerned about our restaurants and want the Governor to take them into consideration. We hope that he can take similar action for small business restaurants.”