Felder, Eichenstein, Yeger Rally with Children & Parents

A large group of parents with strollers, children on bikes and on foot and even seniors, stood together with Senator Felder, Assemblyman Eichenstein and Councilman Yeger this morning at the locked entrance of Kolbert Park. With signs in hand they delivered a unified message to Mayor de Blasio- open our parks, playgrounds and schoolyards!

“Everything essential to children and healthy development is shut down. Playgrounds-not essential. Camps-not essential. Schools-not essential. It’s outrageous not to prioritize their reopening considering how essential they are. Children across this city are outside playing, we cannot and will not stop that from happening. What we can do, is give them a safe space, a contained space, where parents can watch them and do their best as parents to keep them safe. Keeping these playgrounds chained while kids are playing in the streets, is unconscionable,” said Senator Felder. “Baruch Hashem, we flattened the curve. Now open these playgrounds!”

“After being cramped in city apartments for the last three months, playgrounds and schoolyards are essential to our children. They need a safe space to play that is safe,” said Assemblyman Eichenstein. “I was honored to stand with Senator Felder and Councilman Yeger at Kolbert Park in Midwood, calling on Mayor de Blasio to end the madness and give our children the one thing they are asking for-playgrounds. The Mayor must immediately reopen our playgrounds.”

“Kolbert was my childhood park; the place my siblings and I, and later our children, spent thousands of hours. Former Councilman David Greenfield and I devoted years to ensure its much needed $4 million renovation. But for nearly three months we’ve endured the heartbreaking sight of a chained park, with children longingly looking through the gates.  Enough is enough.  Not everyone lives near Prospect Park or Central Park. Our neighborhood parks are small oases in a concrete city. It’s time to restore New York City’s parks to New Yorkers and to take the chains off our parks,” said Councilman Yeger.