Alessandra Biaggi

March 26, 2021

ALBANY, NY – The Senate Democratic Majority advanced two pieces of legislation sponsored by Senator Biaggi as part of a landmark legislative package designed to turn the tide on decades of environmental injustice borne by low-income communities and communities of color. The Senator’s bills will reduce emissions of toxic air pollutants from petroleum storage tank facilities and require the Department of Environmental Conservation to establish new standards for seven toxic air pollutants that are not currently regulated. 

State Senator Alessandra Biaggi (D-Bronx/Westchester) issued the following statement:

"Residents in the Bronx –– especially in low income communities and communities of color –– have been breathing in harmful air pollutants for years. Decades of environmental racism have led to high asthma rates and other illnesses. All New Yorkers deserve to breathe clean and safe air in their neighborhoods. I am proud to sponsor these bills to better protect New Yorkers from air borne pollutants, and thank my colleagues on the passing of this legislation to center the needs of environmental justice communities."

The legislation sponsored by Senator Biaggi and passed by the Senate Democratic Majority include:

  • Reduce Toxic Air Pollutants: This bill, S.841, requires above-ground petroleum storage tanks at major facilities to be painted light colors to reduce emissions of toxic air pollutants. 
  • New Standards for Toxic Air Pollutants: This bill, S.4371B, requires DEC to promulgate air quality standards for seven toxic air pollutants and requires major sources of toxic air pollutants located in or near environmental justice communities to install fence line monitoring systems.

