Stec Proposes Resolution to end Governor's Emergency Authority

State Senator Dan Stec (R,C,I-Queensbury) proposed a resolution in legislative session today that would curtail Governor Andrew Cuomo’s emergency authority, restoring the Legislature’s role as a co-equal branch of government. 

Stec said since the Legislature ceded its authority to the governor at the beginning of the pandemic nine months ago, the governor has exercised tremendous unilateral power and through executive order created many laws.  Now, with a new session underway, Stec explained it is important for the Legislature to reestablish its role.

During Stec’s floor remarks he noted: “Many challenges have arisen throughout this pandemic, but the most recent exemplifies the utmost need to restore balance to our state government - the inefficient and ineffective rollout by the Governor of the COVID-19 vaccine.  The Department of Health and Human Services began publicly discussing the expedited process to create and distribute the COVID-19 vaccine on March 30, 2020. That was 9 months ago. 9 months prior to the release of the vaccine for distribution.

“New York has faced insurmountable challenges in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, we have seen firsthand that exclusive authority and control only sows more chaos and confusion. We must take this opportunity to restore balance in our democratic process, and return to governance based in collaboration and equality as intended.  It is for these reasons I urge my colleagues to support this amendment.”
Stec’s resolution was defeated on a procedural vote along party lines. 
