Senator James Sanders Jr. Pushes Mental Health Legislation to End Gun Violence

James Sanders Jr.

June 1, 2021

(Albany, NY) - Today Senator James Sanders Jr. (D-Queens) and the New York State Association of Black, Puerto Rican Hispanic & Asian Legislators held a press conference to push his legislation (S1605/A3829), which requires a purchaser of any firearm, rifle or shotgun to submit to a mental health evaluation and provide the seller with his or her approval to purchase such firearm. A companion bill is sponsored by Assembly Member Tom Abinanti.

"We have had many tragic shootings in my District covering Southeast Queens, throughout the State and Nation, that show the need to take stronger action to prevent gun violence," Senator Sanders said. "Mass shootings have become an epidemic in America.  Tens of thousands of Americans are killed each year from gun violence. "

Many of the perpetrators of these crimes have mental health issues. We can all agree that we must stop those with mental health problems from obtaining guns. 

Senator Sanders' legislation along with its companion bill in the Assembly  would require a mental health evaluation before an individual may purchase any firearm, rifle or shotgun. This bill will help to protect our citizens and prevent the death of innocent people. 

More specifically, before any sale, exchange, or disposal of a firearm, rifle or shotgun at a gun show, by a federally licensed dealer or private sale, including when such sale, exchange or disposal is between immediate family members, a purchaser of any firearm, rifle or shotgun must submit to a mental health evaluation and provide the seller with proof of his or her approval to purchase such firearm, rifle or shotgun.

These bills are part of the legislative package that the New York State Association of Black, Puerto Rican Hispanic & Asian Legislators' Gun-Violence & Violence Prevention Subcommittee has identified as a priority. 

  • S.1605/A.3829 (Sanders/Abinanti) - Requires a purchaser of any firearm, rifle or shotgun to submit to a mental health evaluation and provide the seller with his or her approval to purchase such firearm
  • S.3518/A.4937 (Bailey/Epstein) - Relates to training for police officers before allowing them to carry or use a firearm
  • A.7246/S.1192-A (Richardson/Gianaris) - Requires persons possessing any firearm to hold a firearms safety certificate; establishes application and training process therefor
  • A.7302/S.2981 (Simon/Persaud) - Creates a firearm violence research institute and a firearm violence research fund
  • A.2170/S.1012 (Simon/Benjamin) - Provides for a gun violence prevention program in the public schools
  • S.3018/A.7771 (Parker/Jackson) - Relates to establishing additional requirements to purchase a firearm, shotgun or rifle
  • Holding the Industry Accountable
    • A.2560/S.50 (Lavine/Kaplan) - Relates to manufacturers' reporting the sale or distribution of firearms to the department of criminal justice services
    • A.6198-B/S.5000-B (Paulin/Kavanagh) - Relates to the purchase of firearms, rifles and shotguns
    • A.581 (Perry)(Brisport) - Requires the submission of proof of personal liability insurance prior to the issuance or renewal of a license to carry a firearm
    • S.1048/A.6762 (Myrie/Fahy) - Relates to the dangers to the safety and health of the public caused by the sale, manufacturing, importing and marketing of firearms and whether such activity constitutes a public nuisance
    • S.4116 (Hoylman)(Rosenthal) - Requires semiautomatic pistols manufactured or delivered to any licensed dealer in this state to be capable of microstamping ammunition