Senator James Sanders Jr. Unanimously Passes Legislation to Help Veterans Attending City and State Colleges

James Sanders Jr.

February 11, 2021

Senator James Sanders Jr.'s legislation to help veteran students at CUNY / SUNY schools passed the senate unanimously yesterday by a vote of 63-0.

This bill S2291 will require SUNY and CUNY to examine and conduct a study on the availability of campus services, programs and resources for veteran students.

The purpose of this bill is to study what services and programs are currently provided, and where resources may be directed in the future to enhance these services offered to students as veterans.

“As a Marine Corps veteran, I am especially proud to have introduced a bill, which would have CUNY and SUNY study how to increase the availability of its existing campus services, programs and resources for veterans attending its schools. Those who have served in our country’s military have made sacrifices to protect the freedoms, we often take for granted. The least we can do is make it easier for them to continue their education, because when they accomplish their goals and achieve their dreams, everyone benefits.”