Learn how to keep your home safe from poisons during this free virtual health workshop from Senator Addabbo and Empire
Senator Joseph P. Addabbo, Jr.
February 19, 2021

If you want to know how to help keep your home safe when it comes to household poisons and other types of hazardous materials, join the free virtual health education workshop sponsored by State Senator Joseph P. Addabbo, Jr., Empire BlueCross BlueShield, and NYC Poison Control later this month.
On Monday, February 22 at 7 p.m., Eduardo Torres from NYC Poison Control will host a free virtual “Healthy Homes” educational workshop where he will discuss keeping you and your family safe from common household poisons.
To Join on Zoom, visit this link: https://zoom.us/j/99536850789?pwd=VnBqeENJYURrOURSQ3o1dStBTFAwZz09#success
Or, you can enter the meeting ID: 995 3685 0789 and Passcode: 420041.
Participants can also dial in at: + 1 929 205 6099
“As we continue to remain mostly in our homes to do our best to keep ourselves, our families, and each other safe from the Coronavirus, it is important to know how to keep our homes as safe and healthy as possible,” Addabbo said. “The information in this educational workshop can help prevent an accident in the home that could have been easily avoided. I want to thank Empire BlueCross BlueShield and NYC Poison Control for partnering on this important event. If we have a successful turnout, we will be able to bring more of these great virtual workshops to the community. I encourage everyone to come and attend this webinar!”
For more information about this and other events, contact Addabbo’s office at 718-738-1111.
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