Griffo calls on Senate’s Investigations and Government Operations Committee to immediately to investigate issues with Gov. Mario M. Cuomo/Tappan Zee Bridge

Following a recent report in the Albany Times Union outlining structural deficiencies on the Gov. Mario M. Cuomo/Tappan Zee Bridge, state Sen. Joseph Griffo, R-I-C-Rome, urged the Senate’s Investigations and Government Operations Committee to immediately examine the troubling details outlined in the article.  

“You must take immediate action to ascertain the validity of what has been reported and to uncover the truth about what took place during the bridge’s construction,” Sen. Griffo wrote to Sen. James Skoufis, D-Cornwall, who chairs the committee. “This presents itself as a clear and present danger. The traveling public, including those in the Hudson Valley who you represent, deserve to know that the bridge on which they are traversing is safe and free of dangerous structural deficiencies.”

The full text of Sen. Griffo’s letter is below:

March 8, 2021

Sen. James Skoufis

188 State St.

Legislative Office Building

Room 815

Albany, NY 12247

Dear Sen. Skoufis:

I am writing regarding Sunday’s Times Union article that details significant structural problems on the Gov. Mario M. Cuomo/Tappan Zee Bridge and the alleged efforts to conceal these serious safety defects.

As the ranking member of the Senate’s Transportation Committee, I urge you to immediately convene the Senate’s Investigations and Government Operations Committee to further examine and review the troubling details outlined in the report.

You must take immediate action to ascertain the validity of what has been reported and to uncover the truth about what took place during the bridge’s construction. This presents itself as a clear and present danger. The traveling public, including those in the Hudson Valley who you represent, deserve to know that the bridge on which they are traversing is safe and free of dangerous structural deficiencies.

Thank you for your consideration of this matter.
