Griffo statement on New York Post article
February 11, 2021
“The news accounts that are being reported are troubling and disturbing, and again demonstrate the perils of one-party control of state government. During the coronavirus pandemic, we have seen the executive misrepresent and not present important, factual and real-time information and a refusal to distribute complete, accurate and needed data. Unfortunately, the majorities in the Legislature are being co-opted or complicit and are not willing to execute or interested in executing their constitutional responsibility for oversight, which is a complete abdication and dereliction of their duties. There must be a genuine effort to uncover the truth. Accordingly, I am recommending and urging that the Legislature create and appoint a four-member, bipartisan commission of District Attorneys from across the state who will be selected by the majorities (2) and the minorities (2) to conduct a thorough and independent investigation into this matter."