Senator Kevin Thomas Earns a Perfect Score on the New York League of Conservation Voters 2021 State Environmental Scorecard

(Garden City, NY) In recognition of his record supporting legislation protecting our environment, State Senator Kevin Thomas (D-Levittown) earned a perfect score on the 2021 New York League of Conservation Voters (NYLCV) State Environmental Scorecard. 

This is Senator Thomas’ second perfect score ranking, having previously achieved a perfect score on the League's last scorecard in 2019 (NYLCV did not produce a scorecard in 2020 due to the pandemic). 

Legislation highlighted by the League in this year’s scorecard include a bill that gets lead out of public school drinking water, bills protecting firefighters and our groundwater from toxic chemicals, and bills investing in sustainable infrastructure.

Senator Kevin Thomas said, “I am proud to be a part of a new era of environmental leadership in New York State. As Senator, I remain committed to fighting climate change, prohibiting harmful chemicals, protecting our drinking water, and transitioning to a greener, more sustainable future for our children.” 

The full scorecard can be read at: