Statement from Senator Mike Martucci

Middletown, NY – Statement from Senator Mike Martucci (R,C,I-Hudson Valley and Catskills) on the New York State Attorney General’s investigation report:

“The disturbing evidence of sexual harassment detailed by the Attorney General and her investigators at today's press conference confirms what I already believed to be true – Andrew Cuomo is utterly unfit to continue to serve as Governor of our great State. If he has any shame he ought to resign immediately. If he refuses to do so, the State Assembly must finally do its job and impeach him. Make no mistake, the Governor's conduct broke Federal and State laws. He even sexually harassed a State Trooper assigned to his protection detail. This is someone who would have taken a bullet to protect him. Members of the Legislature were elected to uphold the laws and Constitution of our State. Failure to remove Andrew Cuomo would be a dereliction of that duty and I don't intend to shirk mine. 

“I want to thank Attorney General James and special investigators Kim and Clark for their thorough and professional report. I also want to recognize the courage and bravery of the women who spoke out and brought this sordid mess to light. Justice demands that we honor their bravery by ensuring that justice is done on Governor Cuomo. Our state must finally turn the page on his corrosive and corrupt leadership. The time is now.”
