Statement from Senator Helming on School Reopening: State's Inaction is Hurting Students
March 31, 2021

Governor Cuomo and Dr. Zucker, your inaction on school reopening is hurting our students. New York needs to update its guidance based on the latest CDC guidelines and help get our students back in the classroom five days a week.
It’s been more than a month since Dr. Zucker said he was reviewing the guidance. He said it was a top priority. Governor Cuomo and Dr. Zucker’s failure to act is sending a message to schools and families that our children’s education is simply not a priority.
School reopening guidance should be a top priority. The state recently updated its guidance on nursing home visitation to align with federal guidelines. The state must do the same for our schools, now.
Many schools are preparing to fully reopen by April 19. But they need official guidance from the state. Their requests to the Governor and Health Commissioner have fallen on deaf ears. This is insulting to our school leaders and staff who are doing their absolute best to support their students.
Our young people – our future leaders – deserve better than this. Enough delay. Update the guidance now. Let our schools reopen!