
Senator Gallivan's Votes for the Week of May 24, 2021
Jim Ranney
May 27, 2021
- NYS Senate

The following bills were approved by the NYS Senate. Senator Gallivan's vote is noted.
689 Eliminates the provision of law denying individuals charged with B misdemeanors in New York City Criminal Court the right to a jury trial. This section also makes technical amendments to section 340.40. AYE
123 Requires the Division of Human Rights to establish a statewide campaign for the acceptance, inclusion, tolerance and understanding of diversity. AYE
498A Exempts commercial lines insurance transactions, placed by wholesale insurance brokers, from the excess line diligent effort requirement. A-print amends the original bill by requiring the brokers sign an affidavit that they made a "diligent effort," instead of requiring three declinations and filing the declination information by affidavit. AYE
3321A The bill would amend Þ19-0327 of Environmental Conservation Law (ECL) to require heating oil used in buildings to increasingly contain biodiesel over the next decade. AYE
210B Requires the department of health to develop an informational pamphlet for patients undergoing pelvic examinations and to make the informational pamphlet available for use by medical practitioners performing pelvic examinations; requires medical practitioners performing pelvic exams to disseminate such pamphlets. AYE
523A This bill amends Article 53 of the CPLR which governs the recognition of foreign country money judgments and seeks to update the provisions to bring New York into fully conformity with the 2005 "Uniform Foreign-County Money Judgments Recognition Act"(UFCJRA Act). AYE
3262A Relates to conducting a study on the feasibility of using the Triboro rail line as a public transit line co-mingling with freight services. AYE
412A This bill requires the Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS) to identify or develop educational materials to be provided to individuals who place themselves on a self-exclusion list. AYE
1343B Enables the sale of certain portions and territories of New York American Water located in Nassau County to the Massapequa Water District. AYE
4777A Replaces certain instances of the word "mentally ill person" with "person with mental illness" or "person with a mental disability". AYE
5010 Authorizes municipalities in the county of Rockland to add unpaid housing code violation penalties, costs and fines to such municipalities' annual tax levy in accordance with applicable law. AYE
4350A Establishes Angelina Liu as the genetic child and distributee of Wenjian Liu for purposes of the estates, powers and trusts law. AYE
5060A Permits signs, placards or other displays to provide notice that school bus photo violation monitoring systems are in use. AYE
4085A COSPONSOR Authorizes air transport ambulance service providers to store and distribute human blood at all their facilities and distribute human blood and blood products and to initiate and administer transfusions of the same while providing air transport services. AYE
6003A Authorizes the dormitory authority to provide financing to NYSARC, Inc., Erie County Chapter. AYE
5666 Increases the percentage of students from any incoming class who can be exempted from the admission requirements for graduate-level teacher and educational leader programs from no more than fifteen percent to fifty percent. AYE
3959A Requires the appointment of a transit dependent and a paratransit dependent representative on various transportation authorities. AYE
4299A Allows for distinctive plates to be issued for members of the New York city fire riders motorcycle club. AYE
6091A SPONSOR Designates a portion of the state highway system in the town of West Seneca, county of Erie, as the "Trooper Joseph Gallagher Memorial Bridge". A PRINT - makes technical change to require the Thruway Authority to install and maintain signage. AYE
1766A Establishes the office of the independent intellectual and developmental disability ombudsman program for the purpose of assisting individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities to ensure that they receive coverage from managed care organizations that is appropriate in meeting their individual service needs and uses a request for proposal process to determine who shall be responsible for such program. AYE
4316 This bill amends Section 2500-a of the public health law to add adrenoleukodystrophy and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency to the list of conditions that all newborns must be screened for. The bill also removes the requirement that DOH test for adrenoleukodystrophy only after conducting a validation process. AYE
5581A This bill amends the insurance law to make certain catastrophic or reinsurance coverage issued to small groups permanent. AYE
5758A Authorizes the village of Freeport to appoint a second associate village justice to serve when requested by the village justice or in the absence or inability of the village justice or current associate justice to serve. AYE
1363 Creates a temporary state commission to study and make recommendations concerning the incidence of asthma in the borough of the Bronx in New York city. AYE
1409 This bill amends title 1 article 25 of the PHL to establish a new section 2509, which would establish an infant recovery centers pilot program to consist of 4 infant recovery centers in areas of need in the state. AYE
5438 Authorizes tastings at licensed premises by distillers; authorizes the operation of a restaurant, hotel, catering establishment, or other food and drinking establishment in or adjacent to the licensed premises; authorizes sale of any liquor manufactured by the licensee; makes related provisions. AYE
6195 Replaces certain instances of the term "mentally retarded" with the term "individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities". AYE
1035A COSPONSOR Prohibits general hospitals from disallowing individuals with disabilities from having an essential support person accompany them for the duration of their hospitalization in response to a pandemic or state disaster emergency. AYE
4998 Requires the office for people with developmental disabilities to establish the care demonstration program, to utilize the state workforce to provide community based care to individuals with developmental disabilities. AYE
1104 Establishes an emergency evacuation plan for individuals with disabilities; establishes $500 fine for failure to comply with such plan within one year of the effective date. AYE
3920 Provides retroactivity to the original date of eligibility for the senior citizens rent increase exemption (SCRIE) and disability rent increase exemption (DRIE) in the City of New York. AYE
4485A Includes landlord training classes in the definitions of neighborhood preservation activities and housing preservation and community renewal activities. NAY (There are no guidelines or definitions of what needs to be taught in these classes, how long they have to last, or if a landlord would have to attend more than one of these classes.)
975 This bill would amend the Labor Law section 511 (9) which exempts day students (which are essentially high school students) from being eligible for unemployment, to authorize high school students to collect unemployment if they are otherwise eligible. NAY (While laudable, as some students contribute (however small in number) to their support, the UI Benefit Fund currently has a substantial deficit, which ought to be taken into account.)
5346 Allows an authorized organization to receive a license to hold a game of chance on Easter Sunday and Christmas Day; eliminates time restrictions for such games held on a Sunday. AYE
557 Establishes portable polling locations for early voting; provides that a county board of elections may establish one or more portable polling locations. NAY (Unfunded mandate. Could be security issue.)
552 This bill allows a student's Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) award to be applied to credits earned in a dual or concurrent enrollment high school program upon such student's enrollment in and acceptance of the credits by a postsecondary degree program. AYE
5557 Relates to the calculation of past service credit for police officers employed by the division of law enforcement in the department of environmental protection in the city of New York transferring between the New York city employees' retirement system to the New York state and local police and fire retirement system. AYE
6410 Relates to the effectiveness of the pilot residential parking permit system in the city of Buffalo; expires December 31, 2026. AYE
6046B Authorizes the town of New Castle, county of Westchester, to alienate and discontinue the use of certain parklands and to dedicate certain other lands conveyed to the town from Vivek and Chitra Agastya as parklands. AYE
1093A Excludes deer management professionals retained by the incorporated village of Lloyd Harbor, or the incorporated village of Upper Brookville from the hunting rifle ban on Long Island. AYE
6334 Requires local solid waste management plans to characterize methods to increase waste diversion including, but not limited to recycling and composting. AYE
271 Authorizes the mortgagee or lienor of an abandoned multiple dwelling to apply for the appointment of a receiver to bring the building into compliance. NAY (Adds costs of doing business.)
1836 COSPONSOR Establishes the office of the advocate for people with disabilities to advocate on behalf of persons with disabilities and assure that persons with disabilities are afforded the opportunity to exercise all of the rights and responsibilities accorded to citizens of the state of New York. AYE
3852 Relates to adding the Saw Kill and the Fall Kill located in Dutchess county to the definition of inland waterways as a major creek in order to make such waterway eligible for funding through the waterfront revitalization program. AYE
4859 Establishes a twenty-five year retirement plan for firefighters employed by the division of military and naval affairs. AYE
4221 Allows non-CPAs to be minority owners of a CPA firm. AYE
1405 Prohibits littering on state park lands. AYE
5800 Requires election commissioners and employees to complete mandatory training within six months of appointment (up to 30 hours) and continuing education annually (up to 3 hours) and requires the State Board of Elections to establish a training institute to develop curriculum for certified poll worker training and train-thetrainer programs. AYE
607A Requires the Olympic regional development authority, in consultation with the department of environmental conservation and division of human rights to develop an anti-bias and inclusion training to be completed by employees of such agencies annually. NAY (Unfunded mandate. Excludes rest of state. Bill greatly expanded to "tourist related businesses.")
4715A Relates to qualifications for holding certain offices in the village of Northville in Fulton County. AYE
566A Amends Section 297 ("Procedure") of Article 15 of the Executive Law ("Human Rights Law") to extend the statute of limitations for filing complaints about any alleged unlawful discriminatory practices to the New York State Division of Human Rights (DHR) from one year to three years, consistent with the current statute of limitations for administration complaints to DHR alleging sexual harassment in employment. AYE
674 Revises the criminal procedure law governing motions to vacate a conviction specific to victims of trafficking to permit convictions to be vacated not only for prostitution related offenses but for any conviction where the defendant is a victim of human trafficking. Such motions would deemed confidential. NAY (Court already has discretion.)
153 Enacts the "consumer credit fairness act"; establishes a 3 year statute of limitations for commencement of a cause of action arising out of a consumer credit transaction where the defendant is a purchaser, borrower or debtor; establishes a notice of lawsuit which must be mailed to the defendant in such a cause of action; establishes certain requirements for the complaint in such an action; provides for arbitration of such actions. NAY (Makes it more difficult and expensive for the lending industry as whole to collect debts, also make it more difficult for average New Yorkers to obtain credit on reasonable terms.)
1068A Amends the civil practice law and rules by adding section 4549, evidence considering earnings, to bar the consideration of evidence concerning opinions, estimations, measures, or calculations of judgments in personal injury or wrongful death cases from being based on race, creed, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, sex, familial status, marital status, or status as a victim of domestic violence. AYE
3395A Includes the state and all public employers as employers subject to the provisions of the human rights law; includes executive, legislative and judicial employers. AYE
4615A Prohibits the selling or displaying of symbols of hate by municipalities, fire districts, volunteer fire companies, police departments and school districts. AYE
738 Amends section 5-336 of the general obligations law to prohibit any settlement or other resolution of a claim involving sexual harassment or any other form of unlawful discrimination from including any term or condition that requires the complainant, to pay the defendant liquidated damages in the event that the plaintiff violates a non-disclosure agreement. AYE
164 Prohibits state reimbursement of campaign and political committees, or legal defense funds, for payments made on behalf of the criminal defense of a state employee. AYE
1059A Directs the Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE) to develop an anti-sexual harassment training curriculum required for registered lobbyists. The curriculum shall include materials specific to the lobbying and advocacy industry. Lobbyists who have not completed the training by the required date will be prohibited from engaging in lobbying activities. Training must be completed annually. AYE
766 Adds a new section 5-338 to General Obligations Law to provide that no release of a claim made by an employee or independent contractor against an employer shall be valid if, as part of the agreement resolving the claim, the employee or independent contractor is barred from applying for or accepting future employment with the employer or any entities related to the employer. Applies to public and private employers and employees alike. NAY (Infringement on rights of employers. Opens door to retaliatory future claims by employees.)
1746A Waives the initial deposit required for new EZ pass holders when the Thruway Authority raises tolls on cash or non-EZ pass users for 60 days from such action. Also permits users to replenish their EZ pass accounts using cash at retailers who offer EZ pass to customers. AYE
5405A Authorizes the use of existing village sewer rents for certain infrastructure payments in the village of Baldwinsville. AYE
812A Establishes a toll free confidential hotline for complainants of workplace sexual harassment to be administered by the division of human rights; makes related provisions. AYE
5237B This bill would make LIPA service providers responsible for the reimbursement of any spoiled food or spoiled medication after a residential home experiences a power outage lasting seventy-two consecutive hours or more. Additionally, the bill would make utility companies responsible for the reimbursement of spoiled food to local business owners. Maximum reimbursement is $540 and $10,700, respectively. AYE
3034A This bill would establish a procedure for intervenors in a utility rate case brought before the Public Service Commission (PSC) to be compensated for their participation. This bill also establishes a "utility intervenor account" to hold such compensation. NAY (Could result in higher electricity costs as the utility will be responsible for paying the reimbursement of the intervenors.)
5084B Establishes the office of mental health, addiction and wellness. This bill would also convene a taskforce to oversee the merger of OASAS and OMH, ensuring that all savings achieved through the merger would be reinvested into the new agency. AYE ( Merger will allow individuals to more easily treat co-occurring illness and the complications that result from such illness.)
2995 This bill would allow municipalities to alienate certain parklands without receiving authorization from the Legislature for the purpose of renewable energy generating projects. This bill would exempt solar energy projects that are under two megawatts of generating capacity to be installed in the airspace of a vehicle parking lot without the usual authorization of the Legislature. AYE
2841A Establishes a visiting program for incarcerated people, which gives incarcerated people opportunities for personal contact with relatives, friends, clergy, volunteers and other persons to promote better institutional adjustment and better community adjustment upon release. NAY (Fails to define "personal contact." The primary concern is that the as it is written may allow personal contact that could facilitate the concealed transmission of contraband.)
1848 Authorizes the boards of education in union free school districts and central school districts to establish wards for the purpose of school board elections in Orange County. NAY (Lacks requirements to ensure that election wards appropriately represent communities.)
2053A Establishes school election wards in Rockland county union free and central school districts. NAY (Lacks requirements to ensure that election wards appropriately represent communities.)
4650 Allows for unlicensed personnel to administer certain seizure rescue medication in schools, on school grounds and at school events; provides that such medicine may be left with a school health official to be used as needed. Includes diazepam or midazolam nasal spray as a medication in which licensed medical professionals may administer at schools in rescue situations. AYE
3542 To allow engineering companies to receive certificates of authority to practice geology. AYE
146 Relates to including the promotion and expansion of cricket in the state of New York to the jurisdiction of the state athletic commission. AYE
5924A This legislation would prohibit higher education institutions from refusing to provide a transcript for a current or former student on the grounds that the student owes a debt. NAY (Transcript withholding is a key tool in the process by which colleges and universities communicate with students about owed balances.)
849A This bill would extend the statute of limitations for unlawful discriminatory practice in the workplace under the Human Rights law to six years. AYE
6392 Extends the expiration for two years in relation to the Rockland County SPCC until August 11, 2023. AYE
6622 Extends, from September 1, 2021 to September 1, 2022, a sunset established by Chapter 237 of the Laws of 2015 as amended by Chapter 212 of the Laws of 2020 authorizing deployment of mandatory e-filing. AYE
6488 This bill is intended to improve the regulation and supervision of Mitchell-Lama cooperatives. Currently, agencies have discretion of deciding whether or not to remedy problems. Agencies are not required to demand issues are fixed. This legislation states that the commissioner "Shall take such steps, as may be necessary and proper to effect such remedies as may be available." The bill goes on to say that actions may include commencing an action or proceeding in NYS Supreme Court. NAY (Gives more power to Commissioner and can lead to overburdened courts.)
6606 Extends expiration of authority granted to the department of housing preservation and development of the city of New York to restructure rents of dwelling units in buildings foreclosed upon by the federal government to June 30, 2024. AYE
6258 Extends provisions reinstating prior approved work permits and waiving requirements as such provisions relate to rebuilding and repairing homes devastated by Hurricane Sandy in the city of New York for another two years. AYE
6609 NYC Housing Development Corporation Departmental - This bill would amend section two of chapter 613 of the laws of 1996, as amended by chapter 92 of the laws of 2018, to extend the sunset provision of Þ 696-a of the General Municipal Law, which grants municipalities the authority to restructure the rents of dwelling units in municipally-owned buildings that have been rehabilitated with the aid of a loan made pursuant to the above section. This legislation would extend this authority until June 30, 2024. AYE
6610 NYC Office of Management and Budget - This bill would amend sections 54.10, 54.90, 57.00, 90.00 and 107.00 of the Local Finance Law, and section 10-a New York state financial emergency act for the city of New York, to extend certain bonding and financial note provisions of such sections from 2021 until 2022. AYE
6644 NYC Housing Development Corporation Departmental - Existing provisions of Article 16 of the General Municipal law authorize expedited land use review of Urban Development Action Area Projects (UDAAP) for low income residential rental developments for seniors and the disabled that are funded by the federal government (commonly known as Section 202 and Section 811 housing) until June 30, 2021. This bill would continue to allow Section 202 and Section 811 housing units to be subject to the UDAAP accelerated review process until June 30, 2024. AYE
6614 SLA DEPARTMENTAL - This bill would extend for one year a provision in section 97-a of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law ("ABCL") that allows the Authority to issue temporary permits to certain retail applicants while they await a full review of their license applications. AYE
6444 The purpose of this bill is to continue for two years the existing statutory authority for licensed lenders to charge annual fees on open-end personal loans. AYE
4720 Authorizes the villages of Malone, Saranac Lake and Tupper Lake, in the county of Franklin, to employ retired former members of the division of state police as parttime village police officers. AYE
5761 Removes independent adjusters from the requirement that a bond be procured by a licensee and filed with the superintendent of financial services. AYE
6485A Extends provisions relating to a health savings account pilot program to 2024. AYE
4194 Prohibits telephone, cable and utility companies from charging a fee to customers who request copies of previous bill statements or statements verifying that they are a customer. AYE
6696 This bill would extend, for two years, the Interagency Task Force on Human Trafficking, originally established in 2007. AYE
6394 The bill would authorize the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) to make loans or grants from the Empire State Economic Development Fund to employees of microbusinesses (five employees or less) to take over and continue such a business upon the retirement of the owner. The loans and grants would come from existing ESDC funding sources. AYE
6713 AGRICLUTURE AND MARKETS DEPARTMENTAL - Authorizes the commissioner of agriculture and markets to enter into agreements with animal welfare organizations to provide care for animals during emergencies and disasters. AYE
5959 Makes mandatory quarterly meetings of the canal recreationway commission not subject to the call of the chairperson. AYE
6105 Designates state route 77 between Pembroke Town Park and the intersection of Indian Falls Road in the town of Pembroke, county of Genesee, as the "SP4 C. Jay Hall Memorial Highway". AYE
6535 Authorizes a county board of supervisors to require that a ferry operating within such county transport without charge or fee of any kind, any soldier, sailor or marine in uniform during their term of enlistment in the service of the United States. AYE
2689 Extends the town of Warwick preservation funds and the tax on real estate transfers in the town of Warwick until 2050. AYE
3594 Grants retroactive membership in Tier IV of the New York state and local employees' retirement system to Shawn Coveny. AYE
4117 Authorizes the village of Endicott to offer an optional twenty year retirement plan to Police Officer Jennifer Quinn who is employed by such village. AYE
5399 Designates a portion of the state highway system in the town of Mendon, county of Monroe, as the "Chief Warrant Officer 4 Christian J. Koch Memorial Highway". AYE
6964A This bill makes significant changes to the composition of the JCOPE board as well as the voting requirements of the JCOPE board. NAY (Politicizes process in favor of party of Governor and removes bipartisan requirement.)
701A Relates to creating the women veterans advisory committee to support and assist the Division of Veterans' Services in locating, educating, and advocating for all women veterans in this state. AYE
763 Relates to veterans' credits for civil service appointments and promotions; removes the time of war requirement for veterans to qualify for additional credit. AYE
623 Establishes a task force to explore the effects of cyberbullying in New York state and potential measures to address such effects. AYE
1967 Authorizes up to one hundred percent real property tax exemptions for any special ad valorem levies or special district charges and assessments for veterans. AYE
612B Directs the office of the state long-term care ombudsman to advertise and promote the long-term care ombudsman program (Part A); directs the commissioner of health, in consultation with the state long-term care ombudsman and the commissioners of the departments responsible for the license or certification of long-term care facilities, to establish policies and procedures for reporting, by staff and volunteers of the long-term care ombudsman program, issues concerning the health, safety and welfare of residents at long-term care facilities (Part B); includes access to state long-term care ombudsman program staff and volunteers within the pandemic emergency plan prepared by residential health care facilities (Part C). AYE
2121B This bill establishes a definition of "medically fragile child" in PHL section 4900 regarding utilization review to mean an individual under 21 years of age with a chronic debilitating condition(s), who may be in a facility and meets one or more of the following: functions; interventions to maintain health status; to prevent serious deterioration of health status or medical complications that place life, health or development at risk. AYE
3647 This bill amends public health law related to the order of priority regarding who may control the disposition of the remains of a decedent who is an active duty member of the military or reserves by giving first priority to the individual so designated on Defense Department form 93 (DD form 93). AYE
3183A Abolishes citizens arrests in New York state. NAY (Removes authority even for persons who have committed murder or manslaughter.)
2918 Establishes a real property tax exemption for the primary residence of veterans with a 100 percent service connected disability. AYE
4344 Authorizes a veteran's close friend or family who is reasonably familiar with such veteran's wishes to request that such veteran be buried in a state veterans' cemetery. AYE
555A Creates the office of older adult workforce development within the office for the aging to address the needs of older adults regarding the workplace. AYE
1065 Establishes the elder abuse shelter aftercare demonstration program to provide management services, financial counseling, and mental health services at the conclusion of the discharge process. AYE
5759A Exempts certain income and resources provided to persons enrolled in certain pilot programs with direct cash transfers in determining eligibility for public assistance benefits. NAY
2209 This bill would require the Office of Addiction Services and Supports to update its guidelines for correctional substance use disorder treatment, in line with best practices, and would require annual reporting of data on the substances that incarcerated individuals are most commonly addicted to and what treatment they receive. AYE
6214 Provides that a voter may register to vote at any residence to which the voter maintains a continuous connection with an intent to return, including a second home or a vacation home. NAY (Allows voters to voteshop and choose which local elections they want to vote in.)
1288A Establishes the veteran career assistance program within the SUNY and CUNY systems to provide veterans with assistance in resume writing and employment placement services. AYE
3945 Relates to veterans' eligibility for public housing; expands eligibility requirements to include veterans of the recent conflicts; requires granting of a preference for public housing to veterans or families of veterans who have a military service connected disability. AYE
3934 Relates to the state commission on prosecutorial conduct; provides that the commission shall investigate complaints and may make a recommendation to the governor that a prosecutor be removed; provides that the commission shall transmit its findings of fact and recommendations to the appellate division; provides that the appellate division may accept or reject such recommendations or impose a different sanction. NAY (DASNY maintains the commission is unconstitutional.)
4884 Creates the state office of the utility consumer advocate to represent interests of residential utility customers. NAY (Costs to establish the office of the consumer advocate will be borne by ratepayers via assessments on utilities.)
1106 Prohibits the termination of tenancy in housing occupied by substantially all persons over sixty-five years of age and/or persons with disabilities without cause; prohibits increasing rent more than one percent above the percentage change. NAY (Infringes on property rights of owners.)
5196B Requires the office for the aging to develop and provide elder abuse prevention training to train senior service centers and contractors in the detection and reporting of elder abuse in consultation with the office of children and family services. AYE
4696 Prohibits mortgagees from requiring mortgagors of certain real property to purchase flood insurance exceeding a coverage amount that exceeds the outstanding mortgage thereon, or that includes coverage for contents. AYE
4093 Establishes September twenty-second of each year as a day of commemoration known as Veteran Suicide Awareness and Remembrance Day. AYE
6208 Relates to the development and posting of a senior trail guide that identifies walking and hiking opportunities for active seniors within the state park system and along public non-motorized multi-use trails within the state. AYE
1283 Relates to the order in which candidates appear on the ballot; requires that offices shall be listed on the ballot in descending order based on the size of the electorate and requires certain federal offices to be listed before state, county or local offices. NAY (No benefit and no reason to do it.)
1558 Authorizes the city of White Plains to impose a hotel tax for a period to expire on December 31, 2024. AYE
4368 Extends the city of Rye's occupancy tax to September 1, 2024; makes technical changes to the tax law relating thereto. AYE
4369 Extends the authority of the city of New Rochelle to impose an occupancy tax until September 1, 2024. AYE
6604 NYC Housing Development Corporation Departmental - Extends the existing authority of the local housing agency in the city of New York to restructure rents in residential buildings that have received low-interest, municipally-financed rehabilitation loans under article 8 of the Private Housing Finance Law ("PHFL"). AYE
6605 NYC Housing Development Corporation Departmental - Extends the existing authority of the local housing agency in the city of New York, the department of housing preservation and development until June 30, 2024 to restructure rents for housing development fund companies that have purchased and are rehabilitating occupied multiple dwellings. AYE
6607 NYC Housing Development Corporation Departmental - extend the ability of the local housing agency in the City of New York to restructure rents in multiple dwellings that are receiving Article 8-A rehabilitation loans. AYE
6608 NYC Housing Development Corporation Departmental - Subdivision 10 of section 778 of the Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law (the "RPAPL") grants the City of New York ("the City") authority to "evaporate" (reduce to zero) liens on Article 7-A properties for municipally-financed repairs. This authority will expire on June 30, 2021, unless it is extended. Section one of this bill would extend this authority to June 30, 2024, and section two would provide that this act takes effect immediately and will be deemed to be in full force and effect on and after June 30, 2021. AYE
6697 The bill would amend section 10 of Chapter 413 of the Laws of 2003 that established the Self-Employment Assistance Program (SEAP) to extend the program until December 7, 2023, which would otherwise expire December 7, 2021. AYE
6613 This bill would extend for five years the provisions in regards to allowing taxpayers to continue to receive their personal income tax refund by paper check, and may opt out of any prepaid debit card or direct deposit program. AYE
6641 SLA DEPARTMENTAL - Extends for three years changes made to sections 15, 17 and 18 of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law ("ABCL") via Chapter 118 of the Laws of 2012 as amended by section two of chapter 355 of the laws of 2013, as amended via Chapter 78 of the Laws of 2015, as amended via Chapter 117 of the Laws of 2018, that delegated to the Chairman of the State Liquor Authority exclusive executive authority over the State Liquor Authority and the Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control. AYE
6612 NYSERDA DEPARTMENTAL - This bill would amend section 1896 of Public Authorities Law (PAL),section 66- m of Public Service Law (PSL) and section 242 of the Real Property Law (RPL) to allow a revised On-Bill Recovery (OBR) loan transferability process to eliminate a recording requirement and reduce costs associated with the program. AYE
554 Directs the office for the aging and the department of economic development to expand encore entrepreneurship in the state, to empower individuals fifty years of age or older to establish small businesses. AYE
1779 This bill expands the scope of the term "period of war" for purposes of the Alternative Veterans' Property Tax Exemption to include: 1) the Global War on Terrorism (from 9/11/2001 until end of hostilities); 2) Nato Related combat hostilities in Somalia from August 1992 - March 1994 3) Nato related combat hostilities in Bosnia from December 1995 - November 2004; and 4) Nato related combat hostilities in Kosovo from April 1999 - June 1999. AYE
2535A The bill provides that an individual may be enrolled in any public or private drug plan that CMS has determined is as generous as or more generous than the standard coverage under Medicare Part D drug prescription benefit. AYE
4216 This bill increases the income eligibility limits for the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) or Disabled Rent Increase Exemption (DRIE) program from $50,000 to $55,000 beginning on July 1, 2021. AYE
4233A Provides that any condition of impairment of health caused by Parkinson's Disease, resulting in total or partial disability or death to a paid firefighter shall be presumptive evidence that, unless the contrary be proven by competent evidence, such disability or death was caused by the natural and proximate result of an accident, not caused by such firefighter's own willful negligence, and was sustained in the performance and discharge of duty. AYE
4484 Extends the authorization of the county of Wyoming to impose a county recording tax on obligations secured by a mortgage on real property from December 1, 2021 to December 1, 2024. AYE
5247 Extends the repeal date of the additional mortgage recording tax in Cattaraugus county until December 1, 2023. AYE
4375 COSPONSOR Authorizes forest rangers, park rangers, and environmental conservation police officers to possess and administer epinephrine by use of an epinephrine auto-injector device. AYE
5675A This bill provides that on each seasonal and decorative lighting product manufactured, sold or delivered by a manufacturer or distributed in this state that contains an electrical cord casing in which lead is present in a quantity greater than one hundred parts per million, there shall be a warning label, which shall read “WARNING: HANDLING THE COATED ELECTRICAL WIRE OF THIS PRODUCT MAY EXPOSE YOU TO LEAD. WASH HANDS THOROUGHLY AFTER USE.” NAY (Overly burdensome.)
448 Allows any licensed health care provider to issue a diagnosis or disclosure of PTSD, traumatic brain injury, or military sexual trauma for the purpose of qualifying certain veterans for state veterans' benefits. AYE
1810 Authorizes the town of Chester to establish community preservation funds; establishes a real estate transfer tax with revenues therefrom to be deposited in said community preservation fund. NAY (New tax.)
6430 Extends from December 1, 2021 to December 1, 2024, the expiration of the authority of the county of Essex to impose an additional mortgage recording tax. AYE
6768 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - This bill would make a series of technical and substantive amendments to the HEROES ACT, mostly to give employers more time to implement their workplace safety standards and to provide some protections from the Right of Private Action created by S.1034-b. NAY (This bill is a chapter amendment to the HEROES Act. Still places significant additional administrative overhead on businesses. Public employees remain excluded.)
6797 Extends the expiration date of the personal income tax surcharge imposed by the city of Yonkers. AYE
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February 25, 2025
