Statement from NYS Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt
Robert G. Ortt
March 30, 2021
- Marijauna Legalization

This deal legalizing marijuana is the result of closed-door discussions between Leaders of one political party and a Governor who is engulfed in scandal. The outcome of these partisan negotiations is a deeply flawed piece of legislation that will hurt the health and safety of New Yorkers.
This backroom deal rejected input from key stakeholders, necessary to address the many flaws in this legislation. The Majority ignored our law enforcement officers and district attorneys, who have raised serious concerns about the impact this legislation will have on our communities. Further, workplace safety concerns were largely disregarded, putting people at risk and making New York more hostile for businesses. And most importantly, the concerns expressed by public health officials statewide went ignored. During the health crisis of our lifetime, we should know better than to dismiss the concerns of our medical experts. I cannot support this deeply flawed legislation due to the way it was developed, and the negative impact it will have on the health and safety of New Yorkers.